Fresh FIction Box Not To Miss
Hello There
Guests / May 13, 2005

Just a hello to try out my the new Fresh Fiction blog. Everyone have a good day.Robyn Visit to learn more about books and authors.

Reading for a surgery center
Guests / May 13, 2005

Yup, time to spend the day in the surgery center, waiting for my husband’s treatment to be finished, and nothing much to do except watch a really lame series of programs on the television which I’d normally never be exposed. Now, I can sit in suspension while wondering how people can handle that pap, but I’ve learned over the years that the boob tube does seem to have a mesmerizing hold on millions, something I’ll never understand. So instead, I pack up my bottled water, my sweater — it is always freezing in waiting rooms — and BOOKS. Yes, plural, books. Although the wait should only be about two hours before I’m allowed back into recovery, I always feel the need to take a selection of reading material. I’ve found my mood can dramatically change once I get there. So, I’ve got a scifi, a fantasy, a torrid romance and a historical. If I pack more, I can’t carry it all. So, here’s to hoping he has a safe procedure and my reading progresses nicely.My choices today include: THE COURTESAN by Susan Carroll, HOT ICE by Cherry Adair, MYSTIC AND RIDER by Sharon Shinn, and a David Weber. Also taking…