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Jaime Rush/Tina Wainscott | What’s Paranormal, Anyway?
Uncategorized / February 23, 2009

I’ve always been drawn to the paranormal. Not necessarily monsters, though those occasional reports of the chuppacabra, Big Foot, and the Everglades’ Skunk ape are interesting. I like the weird stuff, like people for no apparent reason going up in flames, weird nature, and all things psychic. The appeal for me is that there’s some truth in it. It could be real…maybe. Possibly. I think we’re all psychic. Most people have had feelings about things, that gut instinct, hunches, call it what you will. Some people are more in tune to that ability and have real psychic abilities, some have vague abilities, and others are, of course, downright shams. That’s true of all things, like those video clips of the guy in the monkey suit trudging through the forest. Hooked? Read the rest…. Visit to learn more about books and authors.