Fresh FIction Box Not To Miss
Susan Sey | Setting the Scene
Author Guest / June 10, 2011

Everybody knows what their own flaws are.  Ask any woman for her biggest flaw and she’s not going to need a minute to think it over.  Short legs.  Small boobs.  No waist.  Yellow teeth.  Dimply thighs.  The list is endless, but more to the point, it’s prompt.  We spend a fortune trying to fix these things.  We are not unaware. Writers are no different.  We throw our books out there with a kiss and a prayer but we’re fully aware of their fatal flaws.  We know what our weaknesses as writers are.  We know where our books fall short.  Believe me, we’d fix it if we could but since we can’t we just have to hope that whatever it is people like about our books is done well enough (this time) that they’ll forgive us our shortcomings.   And in each book, we try harder. For me, it’s setting.  I’m dismal at setting.  My characters have fabulous conversations.  It’s snappy patter and witty dialogue at every turn.  Unfortunately, they have their conversations in space because I’ve neglected to give the reader even the barest sketch of a setting.  Which is totally my fault because I’m a dialogue junkie and when I…