Fresh FIction Box Not To Miss
Sara Reyes | 2011 Recap: Lists versus Pondering
Author Guest / December 28, 2011

I’ve been inundated this week by everyone in my household making lists, cleaning up and decluttering and last dash attempts at completing projects. Ah the world of people who write. I never realized that it’s so important to make lists of what you’ve read or films you’ve watched or tv shows viewed, but apparently that’s an all consuming task that seems to me becomes a chore. I don’t read for list making, so I have no idea nor do I want to know, the number of books I read in 2011 or 2010 or plan to read in 2012. You must understand, I’ve never looked on reading as something approaching a homework assignment. I read for pleasure, for conversation, for thinking and pondering. Ah, pondering, I love to PONDER. My Christmas gift this year was AMERICAN NATIONS. Yes, a heavy, non-fiction, thought provoking, and ultimately depressing tome on why Americans including Canadians and citizens of Mexico are not part of a “melting pot” but maintain nationalities very similar to the fractious Europeans. As I said, depressing in the end. But along the read, very thought provoking. I’d suppose if I had to keep a list or make a roster of…