Fresh FIction Box Not To Miss
Nancy Northcott | Memories of Christmas Reading
Author Guest / December 24, 2012

Living in a cultural melting pot gives people in the U.S. a wide range of holidays and traditions to celebrate.  At our house, Christmas is the favorite.  We do the traditional things like put up a tree, wrap gifts, and decorate the house, but those aren’t our only ways to enjoy the season.  We also read.  I’m working on revisions to GUARDIAN, my second book, but I’m also making time to read holiday-themed romances.  The festive settings and happy endings add to my generally good mood. Lately I find myself also looking back at the stories we read our son when he was small. He’s in college now, well past the age of being read to, but he seems open to the three of us reading A CHRISTMAS CAROL aloud again.  This is the dh’s favorite Christmas story.  His father read it to their family every year. My favorite story is a shorter, simpler one, O. Henry’s “The Gift of the Magi.”  I don’t want to spoil it for anyone who hasn’t read it, so I’ll just say it’s about the depth of love at the holiday season.  I found a beautiful picture book of that story when the boy…