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Erin McCarthy | College Years – Best or WORSE?
Author Guest / May 31, 2013

Dear Reader, I was talking to a friend last night at the wine bar and I was mentioning writing a college age heroine, and she just sighed and said, “Wow, college was the best and the worst time of my life.  I had a blast, made awesome friends, partied, crushed on the wrong guy, then fell in love with the right one and had him break my heart.”  She went on to say those four years still influence her now in her early thirties. For me the opportunity to write about those years was too exciting to pass up, because like my friend, that transitional phase of my life altered the course of it.  I almost failed out of college, I defied my parents, I ran off and got married.  It was all crucial to me discovering who I really was, how to manage my freedom and my responsibilities, and to accept that sometimes love can be so intense it’s painful.  All of those feelings went in to TRUE, my May release. When Rory Macintosh notices that Tyler Mann is suddenly paying attention to her, she just thinks the tattooed bad-boy feels sorry for her, the shy girl.  But she…