Fresh FIction Box Not To Miss
Rachel Harris, Addicted to Romance
Author Guest / April 27, 2014

Hello, my name is Rachel, and I’m addicted to romance. But when it comes to addictions, I happen to think mine’s a pretty good one. Reading and writing romance stories reminds me of the good in the world. The power of love and personal connection to overcome hardship and struggle. The need we all have to be truly understood by another. How despite our various backgrounds, social status, and nationality, at our core we’re all the same. We all love to swoon. We all love to see the growth that results from a true love journey. And we all love to believe that in the end, everyone has a perfect match. I don’t know the first romance novel I read, but I can tell you it had a red spine, and was swiped from my mama’s bookshelf. I remember bringing similar books to school and hiding them inside other books so I can read them at recess and not get in trouble at my Catholic school. Soap operas were also favorites, and fan fiction about a super couple gave me my first full-length foray into writing. Romantic comedies and dramas line my DVD shelf. But there’s just something about crawling…