Fresh FIction Box Not To Miss
Author Guest / July 4, 2014

Does anyone enjoy a bad dream? I hate nightmares. I go out of my way to avoid anything that has the potential to produce negative, terrifying thoughts that might creep into my subconscious and come to life while I sleep. If I see something frightening on the news, accidentally find myself in a movie that has too much violence or any amount of horror (before I run out of the theatre), or if a real life incident gives me the chills, I have to put sweet thoughts into my head before going to sleep. I will curl up with a happily ever after book or watch ten to fifteen minutes of a sappy movie before turning out the lights so that my last waking thoughts are pleasant ones. Yes, I am a bit of wimp. And I’m okay with that. In my new novel, SHENANDOAH DREAMS, Melissa Smith believes she is experiencing one heck of a nightmare. Melissa is chaperoning her sixth grade students on a week-long sailing cruise aboard the historic schooner Shenandoah. This is her fifth year on the trip, and she’s expecting it to be her best yet. Sleeping in the only cabin that is board for…