Fresh FIction Box Not To Miss
Excerpt / March 23, 2018

Trey had avoided calling on Pete Collins for as long as he could, hoping pressure from the other ranchers would bring him around. Earlier that summer, Colonel Ashwood had questioned Pete about the differences between his version of that day at Deadman’s Point and the testimony of the dead man’s son. Jess had told the family how Collins had hemmed and hawed about maybe being farther away than he’d first thought and how things could look different from a distance. In the end he had retracted his accusations against Trey and apologized profusely to the colonel. He had yet to apologize to Trey. But Trey wasn’t after an apology. What he wanted was to assure himself that Pete intended to observe the uneasy peace. There had not been a single incident since the militia had stepped up patrols and Trey wanted to keep things that way. When he rode under the arches announcing the Collins spread, he saw the rancher talking to two of his hired hands. The three of them were so intent on their conversation, Trey was nearly upon them before they noticed. “Gentlemen,” he said, tipping his fingers to the brim of his hat before dismounting. “Trey…

Stefanie London | Bad Boys
Author Guest / March 23, 2018

Not all bad boys are created equal. The Bad Bachelors app is currently helping with women of New York sort the good from the bad, and the bad from the terrible. It’s a fine line. Personally, I love a little bad sprinkled in with the good. So, I’m here to talk about my three favorite categories of bad boys. The Suit One of my personal favorites. A guy who’s smart, in control, looks incredible and has big dreams and goals. What can I say, ambition is a turn on! The key thing to look out for is how he treats those who work closely with him—if he’s cruel and manipulative, then he’s veered into alphahole territory and you should steer clear. But if he shows kindness (especially if he thinks no one is watching) then you have yourself a winner. Take Reed McMahon, for example. Sure, everyone thinks he’s a womanizer and a player, but he cares about his executive assistant so much he agrees to do some pro bono work for her grandson’s favorite library. And he hates libraries! He’s an alpha Suit with a heart of gold. The Wild Boy These are the guys you mother probably warned…