Fresh FIction Box Not To Miss
L.J. Evans | Author Reader Match
Author Guest / November 23, 2018

Instead of trying to find your perfect match in a dating app, we bring you the “Reader Match” where we introduce you to authors as a reader you may fall in love with. It’s our great pleasure to present L.J. Evans! WRITES: I write…well, lots of genres, but they all have some kind of romance wrapped into them. My current standalone series, MY LIFE AS AN ALBUM, is contemporary romance. It started with a coming-of-age romance and is ending with a new adult slow burn. I’ve been accused of making people cry with my words, and I’m only half sorry for it.  Each book in this series was inspired by music and each chapter is really a song title where the words of the song speak to what the characters are going through. If you like music and romance, then you’ll, hopefully, love how they collide in these books. ABOUT AUTHOR: Sappy, romantic writer seeks fans of beautiful lyrics and touching words to read a series that is full of raw emotions and happy endings. After being a victim of “love at first sight” herself and being joyfully married for twenty-five years, the writer feels qualified to share a few happily…