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Allison B. Hanson | Author-Reader Match: HIS SECRET HIGHLAND BRIDE

May 8, 2024

Instead of trying to find your perfect match in a dating app, we bring you the “Author-Reader Match” where we introduce you to authors you may fall in love with. It’s our great pleasure to present Allison B. Hanson!



Highlander Historical Romance – With cinnamon roll heroes that will melt your heart!



I’m a project manager by day, and write most evenings and weekends, so spending quality time with me may be difficult. But when I have a minute, I enjoy riding my motorcycle, playing the drums, or running. I also like quiet walks on the beach and am addicted to Swedish fish.


My ideal reader match for my latest book, HIS SECRET HIGHLAND BRIDE, must love…

  • Secret identities that might cause a war
  • A broken hero looking for the right woman to put him back together again
  • A saucy heroine who doesn’t need saving
  • Bickering siblings who know what’s best
  • And, of course, the happiest of ever afters


What to expect if we’re compatible:

If we’re compatible, you may want to live in historic Scotland with the MacPherson clan, or even visit Clan MacKinley and the series I have there. You’ll most definitely start saying, “Aye!”


His Secret Highland Bride

Fans of Heather McCollum and Keira Montclair will love this tale of warring clans, a braw Highlander, and a secret none of them saw coming.

It’s been five years since Shane MacPherson stepped foot on his clan’s lands. Still haunted from years at war and the painful ache of loss, duty has called once again…and with it, his obligation to claim his place as the new laird of Clan MacPherson. But when Shane encounters a lass—a Valkyrie in both temperament and foul tongue!—in trouble, he puts title and duty aside to defend her…

Lindsay Wallace would rather die than call the MacPherson lands her home—let alone their horrid clan. She just has to survive a month with her vile uncle before being married off as a peace offering between the Wallaces and MacPhersons. The only person she can trust is a simple soldier who is strong of body and heart. She has no interest in marrying her betrothed…so why not give in to the temptation of a soldier’s kiss?

But promises made can’t be broken or forgotten. And as shadows and war rise once again in the Highlands, Shane and Lindsay must find the courage to face their deepest secrets and their duty…before both love and clan are ripped apart.


Romance Historical [Entangled: Amara, On Sale: May 13, 2024, e-Book, / ]

Buy HIS SECRET HIGHLAND BRIDEKindle | Amazon CA | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Amazon FR

About Allison B. Hanson

Allison B. Hanson

One very early morning, Allison B. Hanson woke up with a conversation going on in her head. It wasn’t so much a dream as it was being forced awake by her imagination. Unable to go back to sleep, she gave up, went to the computer, and began writing. Years later it still hasn’t stopped. Allison lives near Hershey, Pennsylvania. Her contemporary romances include paranormal, sci-fi, fantasy, and mystery suspense. She enjoys candy immensely, as well as long motorcycle rides and reading.


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