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Annette Chavez Macias | Author-Reader Match: BIG CHICAS DON’T CRY

September 2, 2022

Instead of trying to find your perfect match in a dating app, we bring you the “Author-Reader Match” where we introduce you to authors you may fall in love with. It’s our great pleasure to present Annette Chavez Macias!



Women’s fiction novels about families, love, and following your dreams. Big Chicas Don’t Cry is a novel that follows four Mexican-American cousins over the course of one memorable year. Cousins Mari, Erica, Selena, and Gracie are inseparable. They aren’t just family but best friends—sharing secrets, traditions, and a fierce love for their abuelita. But their idyllic childhood ends when Mari’s parents divorce, forcing her to move away. With Mari gone, the girls’ tight-knit bond unravels.

Fifteen years later, Mari’s got the big house and a handsome husband, but her life is in shambles. Erica’s boyfriend just dumped her, and her new boss hates her. Selena can’t seem to find her place in the world—not Mexican enough for her family, not white enough for her colleagues. And Gracie is a Catholic school teacher with an all-consuming crush, but she can’t trust herself when it comes to romance.

As rocky as the cousins’ lives have become, nothing can prepare them for the heartbreaking loss of a loved one. When tragedy reunites them, will they remember their abuelita’s lessons about family and forgiveness—or are fifteen years of separation too much to overcome?



Hello! I’m a Southern California native which means I don’t like rain or being in temperatures lower than 70 degrees. I’m married with three kids and four dogs. I’ve always wanted to be a published author and actually penned my first novel (it was about ten pages long) at the age of thirteen. Of course, it was a romance. I’m also a Libra so I want everyone to be happy all the time. I hate confrontation and drama in my real life, but I’m not afraid to write about it. In fact, I think I love it. Big Chicas Don’t Cry took nine years and thirteen rejections to get published and I can’t tell you how much it meant to finally hold a copy of this book in my hands.


My ideal reader match for Big Chicas Don’t Cry would be someone who loves:

  • Stories about love (self, romantic, family, friendship)
  • Heartfelt dramas
  • Characters that remind you of your own family and friends
  • Experiencing culture through descriptions of food and traditions
  • To laugh and cry and then laugh again
  • Books that feel like a warm hug


What to expect if we’re compatible:

  • Lots of conversations about tacos and beer
  • Lots of conversations about family gossip and other people’s love lives because I’m a huge chismosa (gossiper)
  • Teasing that only comes from a place of love
  • I’ll be your biggest cheerleader because I want everyone to go make their dream come true – just like I did.

BIG CHICAS DON’T CRY by Annette Chavez Macias

Big Chicas Don't Cry

Four cousins navigate love, loss, and the meaning of family over the course of one memorable year in this heartfelt family drama.

Cousins Mari, Erica, Selena, and Gracie are inseparable. They aren’t just family but best friends—sharing secrets, traditions, and a fierce love for their abuelita. But their idyllic childhood ends when Mari’s parents divorce, forcing her to move away. With Mari gone, the girls’ tight-knit bond unravels.

Fifteen years later, Mari’s got the big house and handsome husband, but her life is in shambles. Erica’s boyfriend just dumped her, and her new boss hates her. Selena can’t seem to find her place in the world—not Mexican enough for her family, not white enough for her colleagues. And Gracie is a Catholic school teacher with an all-consuming crush, but she can’t trust herself when it comes to romance.

As rocky as the cousins’ lives have become, nothing can prepare them for the heartbreaking loss of a loved one. When tragedy reunites them, will they remember their abuelita’s lessons about family and forgiveness—or are fifteen years of separation too much to overcome?


Women’s Fiction [Montlake, On Sale: September 1, 2022, Paperback / e-Book, ISBN: 9781542039291 / ]

Buy BIG CHICAS DON’T CRY: | Kindle | | Powell’s Books | Books-A-Million | Indie BookShops | Ripped Bodice | Love’s Sweet Arrow | | Book Depository | | Amazon CA | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Amazon FR

About Annette Chavez Macias

Annette Chavez Macias

Annette Chavez Macias writes stories about love, family, and following your dreams. She is proud of her Mexican American heritage, culture, and traditions, all of which can be found within the pages of her books. For readers wanting even more love stories and guaranteed happily ever afters, Annette also writes romance novels under the pen name Sabrina Sol. A Southern California native, Annette lives just outside Los Angeles with her husband, three children, and four dogs.


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