Fresh FIction Box Not To Miss

Brian Feehan Interview – Character Connections and World Building

June 30, 2022

What inspired you to write HARMONY OF FIRE?

Brian: I should have a simple answer, but I do not. In part, I created Harmony of Fire out of my love of artists and musicians and the struggles they go through to be who they are. I also have a great passion for music and love the way it bonds us and connects us to our past. Music is magic, and I wanted to write about it.


Since this is listed as the “Alice & Owen” series, I assume these two characters are the focus of each book in the series. What made you decide to go that route versus having each book focus on a new set of characters?

Brian: Yes, Alice and Owen are the two main characters.

I didn’t know I would write them as a series until I wrote the last word. When that moment happened, and I knew in my soul who these characters were, it became crystal clear that Alice and Owen needed to stay in the spotlight because they had so much more to give. As a reader, I believe their story, and stories to come, will help give us strength as they push us to think outside our everyday world.


How would you describe this book and this series? Although it’s described as paranormal romance, when I read the description, I get a Terminator or sci-fi vibe.

Brian: Well, I thought we all agreed that Terminator was the greatest of all love stories. (Laughing)

I would describe this book as a roller coaster with all the right turns. I would add that it’s about being true to who you are and protecting those around you. I look forward to hearing what everyone else has to say. I can tell you at the heart of this book, it’s about friends and family, and what it means to be alive.


How would you describe the bad guys in this series?

Brian: Kerogen was once an impressive King who helped pull the modern world out of the Dark Ages. He was a powerful “other worldly” being who was eventually betrayed by humans. This betrayal thrust him into darkness. Now he finds pleasure in violence, and is on a hunt to steal powerful magic from any being that held it.


Other authors I’ve interviewed have told me that the kind of book they enjoy reading is not the same kind of thing they enjoy writing. What do you like to read? Favorite books or authors?

Brian: How much ink am I allowed?

When I am in the middle of writing a novel, I find it very difficult to read because it’s far too easy to write from that voice instead of my own. However, when I am not writing, it is game on.

I love reading and listening to stories. Hell, I love country music because they too, tell a story. I am always looking for the best writing I can find. Some of my favorite authors, in no particular order, are: Christine Feehan, Nora Roberts (and J.D. Robb), Charlaine Harris, C.L. Wilson, J.R. Ward, Karen Rose, Nalini Singh, Jim Butcher, Brandon Sanderson, Patrick Rothfuss, R. A. Salvatore, Andy Weir, and Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone – they crushed that story, This is How You Lose the Time War.


How long have you been writing?

Brian: I did not know I wanted to be a writer until I was about 22 years old. I had fallen in love with reading, and it blossomed from there. Warning: Reading is the gateway drug to becoming a writer, and don’t let anyone tell you differently!


What are you currently working on?

Brian: The most extraordinary novel you have ever, ever read…

Okay, Okay. I am currently working on the next story in the Alice and Owen series, along with the first novel in a brand-new series that has yet to be named.

Thank you, Fresh Fiction!

Brian Feehan


HARMONY OF FIRE by Brian Feehan

Alice & Owen #1

Harmony of Fire


The We—beings who existed long before humans ever did, filled with powerful magic—walk among us. Owen and Alice are both etherealists—rare humans born with magic who are targets for those We that wish to take it from them. At nine years old and against her will, Alice’s soul was tied to one such powerful and evil We. She escaped and was trained to be a weapon so she might one day break the bond and safely return home. Everything is going to plan…until she meets Owen.

Owen is a musician who is trying to outrun his past while keeping those around him safe in an increasingly dangerous world. Owen keeps them on the move until a band of hunters crosses their path. Owen must go home—a place he swore he’d never return to—and seek protection from the We who could destroy them. And then he meets Alice. Only through finding each other do either Alice or Owen have a chance of survival.


Romance Paranormal [Berkley, On Sale: June 28, 2022, Mass Market Paperback / e-Book, ISBN: 9780593440537 / eISBN: 9780593440544]

Can their love defeat the deadly enemy?

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About Brian Feehan

Brian Feehan

Brian Feehan lives in his mind, creating vibrant characters who talk very loudly and far too often. When real life comes knocking, it is likely to be the love of his life, Michelle, or their son, Dylan. Together, the three of them live on the northern coast of California, which is far different than any other part of California.

Brian is fascinated by both the written word and learning new subjects. He is always up for a laugh, a game, or a drink with friends and family. He is also the son of #1 New York Times bestselling author Christine Feehan, who started his training to become an author before he was old enough to walk.

Alice & Owen


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