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Elizabeth Amber | The Truth About Vestal Virgins

May 1, 2011

Elizabeth AmberBASTIANDid Vestal Virgins exist? Yes. Chosen between ages six and ten, they served Vesta, the goddess of fire. BASTIAN, THE LORDS OF SATYR is a love story between Silvia (a former Vestal Virgin–now an immortal Ephemeral) and Bastian, who’s the lead archaeologist in the Roman Forum during the 1880s excavations.

Crossing the centuries, Silvia now seeks to trick Bastian into helping her locate powerful, mysterious relics in the Forum ruins. Relics she herself lost during the destruction of the pagan temples (including Vesta’s) in the 4th century A.D.

It’s historical fact that these relics existed and were guarded by the six Vestal Virgins. The relics were believed to protect the city of Rome from harm. Today, no one knows what the relics were or what became of them. So I was free to decide what form these relics would take and what power they hold.

The Virgins were revered and privileged. They could own property, when other women could not. However, in times of strife, they were scapegoats. Accused of being unchaste, whether fairly or unfairly, some were buried alive in small underground enclosures in the “Evil Fields” near the Colline Gate.

Excavated Roman ForumWhen Vesta’s temple was destroyed, Silvia and the other Virgins were transformed by their goddess into Ephemerals. They now live by taking serial hosts–the bodies of the dying–usually for a month at a time. When Bastian first meets Silvia, she has just assumed the form of a young boy in order to work under him in the excavations. In order to steal from him.

But she never expected to fall in love with him. For she cannot have him–Bastian belongs to her dearest friend.

FROM BASTIAN, chapter 1:

Lord Bastian Satyr was certainly a big one.

With an experienced eye, Silvia sized him up in a long, sweeping glance as she stood at the foot of his bed, her arm loosely wrapped around a bedpost.

Dark, cropped hair; broad, sculpted shoulders; a pronounced indentation running the length of his spine; powerful thighs and buttocks; flesh glistening from his exertions; knees dug into the bedcovers between the smooth stockinged thighs of his bed partner.

Michaela looked so vulnerable and feminine lying in his enormous bed, under his enormous, straining warrior’s body. Her slender calves hugged his hips. Her body was open to receive each thrust of his organ. Silvia could only employ her imagination regarding how sizable that portion of his male anatomy might be. From her vantage point, all she could see was his backside. His naked backside. His naked, flexing backside.

She swallowed, her throat strangely dry. By firelight, he was magnificent–a golden god. Which just possibly made him worthy of the woman he was riding. Michaela was her closest, dearest friend in both worlds. Had been since their childhood in Vesta’s Temple.

Silvia had always watched over her as best she could. And when it came to hedonistic matters such as these, had lived vicariously through her. Tonight was no exception.

Michaela had been born a Companion, a courtesan with the power to please any man. Like most in her profession, she had taken hundreds if not thousands of lovers over the centuries. She always chose them carefully. That in itself told Silvia that this particular specimen of manhood must be something quite extraordinary.

Copyright by Elizabeth Amber

Continued reading


The two clans of these half-satyr, half-human men are all related by ancient blood. The clans do not mingle, so each clans’ books are very separate as follows:
Tuscany 1820s: Nicholas, Raine, Lyon, Dominic
Rome 1880s: Dane, Bastian (May 2011), Sevin (2012)

Each title can be read as a stand-alone.



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Friendship is a strong theme in BASTIAN. First, Bastian and Silvia became unexpected friends. Then came attraction. Then love. Has this every happened to you? Have you ever found love after friendship? In a variation on the friendship theme, Silvia hesitates to love Bastian because her best friend loves him. Has this ever happened to you? Comment for a chance to win an autographed copy of Elizabeth Amber‘s May release Bastian, The Lords of Satyr!

I hope you enjoyed this excerpt and will take a look at BASTIAN.

Thank you for dropping by Fresh Fiction!

~ Elizabeth Amber

erotic historical paranormal romance

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