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Fresh Fiction Reviewer Profile | Alison Ellis

August 19, 2022

Kristy's Great Idea (The Baby-Sitters Club #1): Classic Edition (Baby-sitters Club (1986-1999)) by [Ann M. Martin]

Favorite genre and why.

As a child, one of the core memories I remember so vividly is the bookmobile at my small, rural Lutheran school. The smell of the books, the librarians smile…I am instantly transported back to that time. That is where I discovered Nancy Drew and my love for mysteries was found. As I got older, I discovered The Baby-Sitter’s Club books and devoured every book in that series. As an adult, I think the cozy mystery genre perfectly encapsulates those two genres into one perfect book for me. You get the clean mystery with strong female leads and friendships.


What qualities make a book super satisfying for you?

The setting will always make or break a book for me. Since discovering the cozy mystery genre, I admit I have become a settings snob. But the great thing with the cozy mystery genre is the settings are all perfect! You can’t go wrong with a bookstore, craft shop, restaurant, etc. as a setting. If you add snow, I’m even more thrilled. Haha!


Do you re-read?

Unfortunately, I am not a re-reader. I have certain books that will always hold a place on my bookshelves, but that’s where it ends. If you could see my bookshelves, including my Kindle shelves, you would see why. I have way too many books to read to re-read. Haha!


Favorite villains.

I think we all can agree that Disney villains are the best villains. I just discovered there is a whole series of Disney villain books. Guess what I’ve been buying whenever possible.

The Maid by Nita Prose

Any book I took a chance on and loved?

THE MAID by Nita Prose. I saw this and thought, eh, I don’t think it’s my cup of tea. But it was getting so much hype, maybe too much hype, so I had to know. And then I read it and was blown away. It is to date one of my favorite books I’ve ever read.


Has any book ever made you cry?

I refuse to read books that make me cry. I hate to not finish a book, but if I get the twinge of a tear, the book is done for me. I have book friends that say, “Ali, you have to read this! You’ll cry your eyes out!” And my automatic response is, “nope.” Now if I’m laughing so hard I’m crying, (I’m looking at you Laura Levine and Sophie Kinsella), then that’s a different story.

Murder Gets a Makeover by Laura Levine

Without naming names, what are some things you dislike in stories.

Cliffhangers. I despise them. For a girl who loves the cozy mystery genre, which is basically one big series, this seems weird, right? I know. Hear me out. I need the mystery to be wrapped up. If an author starts at book one with some major plot and it isn’t resolved in that book and I have to wait two, three, four books in, I’m annoyed. The sub-plots can carry on, for example, relationship issues, store issues, etc., I’m good with that carryover, but those major plotlines need to be settled for me.

Alison Ellis is a Senior Reviewer at Fresh Fiction. You can find more of her articles and reviews here.

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