Fresh FIction Box Not To Miss

Jamie L. Adams | Missing Money and a Killer on the Loose

September 11, 2023

1–What is the title of your latest release?

HOMICIDE AT HIGH NOON. It’s book two in the Ghost Town Mysteries series.

2–What’s the “elevator pitch” for your new book?

Ghost town manager, Lily Cranston, is under suspicion when money comes up missing. Lily goes to meet with the bank’s auditor, but discovers he’s been killed before she’s had a chance to plead her case! In danger of facing embezzlement charges, she’s now a prime murder suspect. Putting her skills to the test to find the guilty party, she uncovers shocking truths and unscrupulous practices along the way. Will she be able to find the missing money and the killer before it’s too late? Or will her time run out as the killer sets their sights on her…

3–How did you decide where your book was going to take place?

I enjoy visiting ghost towns and the series is set in a very active ghost town.

4–Would you hang out with your protagonist in real life?

Yes, she and her family are a great group of people.

5–What are three words that describe your protagonist?

Determined, trustworthy, and dedicated.

6–What’s something you learned while writing this book?

Most embezzlers are woman in their forties living above their means.

7–Do you edit as you draft or wait until you are totally done?

I’ve tried to wait until I’m done but can’t help myself. I edit as I go.

8–What’s your favorite foodie indulgence?

I’m addicted to chocolate. I think I need an intervention.

9–Describe your writing space/office!

I write in our living room. I have a very comfy chair and my laptop sits on a portable table that rises up and down. Basically, I’m in the center of activity as I write. I’m good at tuning things out.

10–Who is an author you admire?

There are so many but right now I’m hooked on Fiona Leitch and Mary Jane Hathaway’s cozy mysteries.

11–Is there a book that changed your life?

In the fifth grade I read Little Women by Louisa May Alcott and that was when I knew I wanted to write books.

12–Tell us about when you got “the call.” (when you found out your book was going to be published)/Or, for indie authors, when you decided to self-publish.

I have a wonderful agent who has given my writing career a real boost. She hooked me up with an amazing publisher.

13–What’s your favorite genre to read?

I’ve been a fan of historical romances for years, but right now I can’t enough cozy mysteries.

14–What’s your favorite movie?

I can’t think of a favorite movie. We watch a lot of old black and white noirs and mysteries.

15–What is your favorite season?

Fall. I love it when the leaves change colors, and the weather is cooler. Also, the season is full of celebrations.

16–How do you like to celebrate your birthday?

Just a quiet family dinner with cake for dessert. I always make my own cake. My kids are adults now and they offer to make it for me, but I tell them no way – I love making cakes.

17–What’s a recent tv show/movie/book/podcast you highly recommend?

I’m really enjoying the characters in Sue Minix’s Bookstore Mysteries. They’re the sort of books when you come to the end you feel a little lost because you have nothing to look forward to until the next book comes out.

18–What’s your favorite type of cuisine?

I love Chinese food.

19–What do you do when you have free time?

My husband and I are retired. We joked that every day feels like a Saturday. If I’m not writing, I’m usually reading.

20–What can readers expect from you next?

The third book in the Ghost Town Mysteries, Showdown at the Saloon, is finished and pretty intense. I’m working on plotting book four now.


Ghost Town Mysteries book #2

Homicide at High Noon

From author Jamie L. Adams comes a twisty mystery set in a Northern California old west ghost town…

Lily Cranston is soaring high as the manager of the Calico Rock Mine and Ghost Town in Grady, California. Cash is finally flowing in and improvements to the theme park, like the new zipline, are drawing crowds. Even Lily’s previously stalled love life seems to be heading on the right track with CSI Cody West. But all that comes to a halt when the park’s board of directors suddenly comes to Lily with accusations of embezzlement! Someone’s had their fingers in the till and all eyes are on her. To make matters worse, before Lily even has a chance to prove her innocence, murder strikes her small town!

Melvin J. Rinehart is the arrogant, browbeating bank auditor who’s determined to prove Lily has been stealing from the ghost town. But when Lily arrives at his office to set him straight, she finds someone’s beat her to it—killing the man before Lily has a chance to plead her case! Now not only is Lily in danger of facing embezzlement charges, but she’s also a prime murder suspect. Even her family and new boyfriend in law enforcement may not be enough to keep Lily out of jail. She’s worked too hard to lose it all, so Lily puts her skills to the test to find the real guilty party, uncovering shocking truths and unscrupulous practices along the way. Will she be able to find the missing money and the killer before it’s too late? Or will her time run out as the killer sets their sights on her…

Mystery Amateur Sleuth [Gemma Halliday Publishing, On Sale: September 12, 2023, e-Book, ISBN: 9798215949405 / eISBN: 9798215949405]

Buy HOMICIDE AT HIGH | Apple Books | Kobo | Google Play |

About Jamie L. Adams

Jamie L. Adams

Jamie L. Adams fell in love with books at an early age. Little Women by Louisa May Alcott opened her imagination and sparked a dream to be a writer. She wrote her first book as a school project in 6th grade. Living in the Ozarks with her husband, twin daughters, and a herd of cats, she spends most of her free writing, reading, or learning more about the craft near to her heart.


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