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Jerri Chisholm | Author-Reader Match: ENDING ELEVEN

March 10, 2023

Instead of trying to find your perfect match in a dating app, we bring you the “Author-Reader Match” where we introduce you to authors you may fall in love with. It’s our great pleasure to present Jerri Chisholm!



The third and final book in the YA dystopian Eleven Trilogy is finally here! I’m so excited to introduce ENDING ELEVEN to the world. Not only is it action-packed, but, in my opinion, it’s an epic and fitting conclusion to the tyrannical underground world known as Compound Eleven.



I’m Jerri. I write about dystopian nightmares, high stakes, and good old-fashioned romance. I love books of all stripes, indie music, homemade guacamole, and Indian food. I need two cups of coffee to get out of bed in the morning, no joke. I think frogs are repugnant. When I’m not up to midnight writing, you can find me jogging along dirt roads, online shopping, or obsessively cleaning my floors.


What I’m looking for in my ideal reader match:

  • I’m looking for fans of heart-pounding action—nothing light or fluffy for me, thanks!
  • I’d also love to be matched with readers who appreciate all the emotions, even raw ones that leave you emotionally drained
  • you must be okay with some violence, because Compound Eleven is a dangerous place, and, as Eve discovers, the utopian world aboveground may not be as peaceful as she first thought
  • I’d prefer someone comfortable with navigating complex characters, because sometimes good vs bad isn’t cut in stone


What to expect if we’re compatible:

  • late nights because you simply can’t put me down
  • a fast pulse, a pounding heart, a sweat-soaked hairline
  • tears, laughter, heartache, joy—all of which will be totally addictive
  • a ride reminiscent of a rollercoaster, but that lasts longer
  • an entire trilogy to read!

ENDING ELEVEN by Jerri Chisholm

Eleven Trilogy #3

Ending Eleven

My name is Eve Hamilton.
Everyone in Compound Eleven thinks I was killed. But they’re dead wrong…

I spent my entire life in Compound Eleven as a fighter. Surviving in an underground city filled with violence, oppression, and tyranny. We were told the world above was scorched, an immediate death sentence. I should have died never knowing the truth. Instead, when I fought Wren—a boy from the top floor, a Preme—I fell for him. And eventually learned that my reality was an insidious lie.

Escaping Compound Eleven nearly killed me and Wren. Now we’re aboveground, where the world is anything but a toxic, burning wasteland. It’s green and lush, filled with sunshine, fresh water…and hope. All of which tastes bitter when I see what it’s cost me. Because something in Wren has changed. He’s broken—along with whatever it was between us.

Now the tides of violence in Compound Eleven are rising, threatening to spill out and shatter this peaceful place with brutality, corruption, and death.

But do I stop them…or join them?


Young Adult Fantasy [Entangled Teen, On Sale: March 6, 2023, e-Book, ISBN: 9798378522255 / eISBN: 9798378522255]

Buy ENDING ELEVENKindle | | Apple Books | Kobo | Google Play | Amazon CA | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Amazon FR

About Jerri Chisholm

Jerri Chisholm

Jerri Chisholm is a YA author, a distance runner, and a chocolate addict. Her childhood was spent largely in solitude with only her imagination and a pet parrot for company. Following that she completed a master’s degree in public policy and then became a lawyer, but ultimately decided to leave the profession to focus exclusively on the more imaginative and avian-friendly pursuit of writing. She lives with her husband and three children, but, alas, no parrot.


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