Fresh FIction Box Not To Miss

Katharine J. Adams | A Witch Risks Her Soul to Save Her Sister, Falls in Love, and Ignites a Rebellion

November 9, 2023

1–What is the title of your latest release?



2–What’s the “elevator pitch” for your new book?

Bisexual, death-walking witch risks her soul to save her sister, falls in love with a man who deals in lies and a woman who weaves the truth, and ignites a magical rebellion that will change the world.


3–How did you decide where your book was going to take place?

The place formed around the story. At first, Penny is incredibly isolated, her world narrowed down to the Colligerate compound where her coven are held in servitude to the nefarious High Warden. As Penny grows, so does her world.


4–Would you hang out with your protagonist in real life?

After everything I put Penny through, I’m not sure she’d want to hang out with me! I’d love to take her walking on the beach near my house with the wind blowing around us. We both overthink everything, so we’d need a bit of a buffer, maybe Ella and Mila could come along too.


5–What are three words that describe your protagonist?

Bookish, loyal, determined.


6–What’s something you learned while writing this book?

You can tell the future with cheese curds! It’s called tyromancy.


7–Do you edit as you draft or wait until you are totally done?

I tend to start each writing session with a quick edit through what I wrote the day before. I find editing is a good way to sink into the story and get new words flowing, and I end up with a fairly clean draft.


8–What’s your favorite foodie indulgence?

Baklava! That combination of nuts and honey is divine. It’s my favorite treat from our local market.


9–Describe your writing space/office!

It’s full of books. We built shelves out of reclaimed wood to cover one wall, my desk is piled with TBR stacks behind the computer screens, and I have a couple of book trolleys in there too. My writing chair is a huge round armchair that spins around. I sit like a pretzel when I’m writing, so it lets me curl up and get lost in the words. There’s space for the kids to snuggle up and read on it with me. And there’s big speaker under the desk for my writing playlists. My office is my happy place!


10–Who is an author you admire?

Just one? There are so many! Margaret Atwood is my absolute favorite, her prose is like witchcraft on a page. I’m a huge Garth Nix fan, too.


11–Is there a book that changed your life?

Alias Grace. I had no idea how pretty prose could be and still be so impactful until I read that book!


12–Tell us about when you got “the call.” (when you found out your book was going to be published)/Or, for indie authors, when you decided to self-publish.

Oh gosh! “The call” with Priyanka was my second call that week. Talking to her was like some kind of magic, and she saw exactly what TONIGHT, I BURN needed to make it what I wanted it to be. We ended up chatting for far too long about planning holidays as the world opened back up after all the lockdowns.


13–What’s your favorite genre to read?

I’m a fantasy girl to the bone.


14–What’s your favorite movie?

The Neverending Story. I adore Falcor and will never give up the dream of having my own luck dragon.


15–What is your favorite season?

Fall. I love the change of seasons, summer fading into cooler days and longer nights, and lighting the first fire of the year. Our seasons are all backwards down here in the Southern Hemisphere, and I still miss Fall being spooky season. Pumpkin spice does not have the same feeling at the beginning of spring.


16–How do you like to celebrate your birthday?

Birthdays in our house are marked with lounge sleepovers. It’s a tradition that started during lockdowns. The whole family snuggles down to watch movies, eat chocolate, and play video games. Balloons and cake with candles are compulsory!


17–What’s a recent tv show/movie/book/podcast you highly recommend?

The Last of Us—both the TV show and the game.


18–What’s your favorite type of cuisine?

High tea! Little cakes and sandwiches with a lovely pot of earl grey. Malin makes an excellent cup of earl grey in TONIGHT, I BURN.


19–What do you do when you have free time?

In summer, we get out on the bike tracks with the kids. I have a mountain bike called Emily with pink sparkly streamers on the handlebars! In winter, I’ll hide away with the latest Zelda game or have a family MarioKart battle—we have a leaderboard and it gets pretty competitive.


20–What can readers expect from you next?

TONIGHT, I BLEED is coming Fall 2024!

TONIGHT, I BURN by Katharine J. Adams

Thorn Witch Trilogy #1

Tonight, I Burn

A thorn witch with the power to walk between the realms of Life and Death finds herself at the center of a magical rebellion—and a dangerous romance—that could destroy her coven and her soul in this dark and decadent debut.

Thorns, Tides, Embers, Storms, and Ores. All five covens are bound in servitude to the tyrant High Warden of Halstett.

Penny Albright is a daughter of the thorn coven, forced to patrol the veil between the realms of Life and Death. Each night, one thorn witch—and only one—must cross the veil by burning at the stake. Each morning, that witch draws on their magic to return. Failure to follow the rules risks the veil and risks them all.

But one morning, Penny’s favorite sister Ella doesn’t return. And that night, determined to find her, Penny breaks the rules. She burns in secret. And she discovers that all isn’t as it seems in Life or Death.

Her journey leads her to Malin, a devastating lord with too many secrets; to Alice, a mysterious captive prophet; and to a rebellion brewing in the shadows beneath the city. And as Penny’s world splits, she’ll face a devastating choice. Because it’s not just her sister’s life that hangs in the balance. It’s the fate of all magic.

All it takes is one witch—and one spark—to set the world ablaze.


Fiction Adventure | Action | Fantasy [Orbit, On Sale: November 7, 2023, Paperback / e-Book, ISBN: 9780316551816 / eISBN: 9780316551977]

Buy TONIGHT, I | Kindle | | Apple Books | Kobo | Google Play | Powell’s Books | Books-A-Million | Indie BookShops | Ripped Bodice | Love’s Sweet Arrow | | | Amazon CA | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Amazon FR

About Katharine J. Adams

Katharine J. Adams

Katharine J. Adams is an English fantasy writer based in New Zealand. You can find her tucked away in her office in the wee small hours of the morning while the rest of the house sleeps. No matter where she is, she’s never happier than in those moments when her writing truly takes her away, and she’s in a realm where witches burn, the future is spun from silk, and Death is more than it seems.


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