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Lizzy Gayle | 20 Questions: A MATTER OF TIME

September 15, 2022

1–What is the title of your latest release?

My new release is A MATTER OF TIME. It’s book two in the Fantasy Resorts series but can be read as a standalone.

2–What’s the “elevator pitch” for your new book?

1888 is fun to visit, but the Time Capsule Resort didn’t mean to crash land there.

3–How did you decide where your book was going to take place?

Great question! There are so many options for time travel. I used to work in Tucson AZ at Old Tucson Studios as an entertainer and it was so much fun. It was such a huge part of my life, and I learned so much about the time frame and area that it seemed like a natural choice.

4–Would you hang out with your heroine in real life?

Hell yes! Sadie is so kick-ass and fun to be around. Well, I mean, I was inside her head, so that might be a little awkward, but…

5–What are three words that describe your hero?

Intelligent, Caring, and (this might be cheating) in-over-his-head

6–What’s something you learned while writing this book?

Writing this book confirmed for me that the more fun I have while writing, the more fun the reader will have!

7–Do you edit as you draft or wait until you are totally done?

It’s a combination for me. It really depends on what I need to edit. I keep a notebook beside me and jot things down that I don’t fix immediately so I have a focus list afterwards. I always do more passes though because there are always things missed. Thank goodness for my amazing editor!

8–What’s your favorite foodie indulgence?

Does coffee count? I live on that. Don’t get me wrong, I love food. But IDK about picking one thing. Maybe sushi.

9–Describe your writing space/office!

Oh man, unfortunately at the moment my oldest graduated college and has moved home, taking over my office as a bedroom. So nowadays I write at my desk which is shoved in the family room with the bunnies and bird. Many days I will go to a coffee shop or B&N café and write there for several hours.

10–Who is an author you admire?

So many! It would be really difficult to pick just one. But I will say that I follow Colleen Hoover on social because she still feels so down-to-earth and relatable, and just plain nice. I love that about the author community in general. My “hero” when I started writing was Libba Bray (YA) who I also admire greatly.

11–Is there a book that changed your life?

Every book I read has a very real impact on me. Which book did that start with? Probably going all the way back to childhood to The Phantom Tollbooth, which taught me that imagination is limitless and perfectly acceptable to put on a page.

12–Tell us about when you got “the call.” (when you found out your book was going to be published)

I’ve had so many ups and downs since starting this journey! I’ve had other books published at other presses when I wrote YA under a different name, but I always wanted to work with City Owl because I truly love and respect the people at the helm. So when I got the news (in this case via email) that my first adult trilogy would be published with them, I might’ve jumped up and down like a kid.

13–What’s your favorite genre to read?

Paranormal Romance. Not that I don’t love fantasy, sci-fi, or thrillers, but paranormal feels like home.

14–What’s your favorite movie?

You’ll laugh! But it has to be Little Shop of Horrors (the 80’s version). I love musicals, sure, but I’m all about quirky and that’s the king of quirky. It’s also fantasy/horror/sci-fi/and comedy all rolled into one.

15–What is your favorite season?

Fall. I absolutely love everything about fall except the allergies. I love pumpkins and Halloween and the colors and the cooler weather…I could go on.

16–How do you like to celebrate your birthday?

Hahaha, Multiple times! I like to celebrate with my family but also to go out with friends and visit. That makes me happy.

17–What’s a recent tv show/movie/book/podcast you highly recommend?

Oh goodness.

TV show: The Flight Attendant and I’d say Archive 89, but I hear there won’t be a second season.

Books: I’ve been reading a lot of other City Owl authors lately and man they are GOOD. I love Luna Joya, Lisa Edmonds, Heather McCorkle, Wren Michaels, Leslie O’Sullivan. I could go on. Did I mention Alexis L Menard and S C Grayson? LOL.

Podcast: My guilty pleasure is Jim Harold’s Campfire which consists of real-life paranormal stories. I’m obsessed and have even been on it as a caller LOL

18–What’s your favorite type of cuisine?

Didn’t you ask something like this? Just like me, obsessed with food! Hmm, I suppose Asian, but I know that’s a copout because it includes many different types like Thai and Japanese, which are two of my faves.

19–What do you do when you have free time?

What’s free time? LOL, I like to read. I spend time with kids. When I’m not writing or doing bookish things I work as a real-life psychic, so there’s that. Oh, and I love collecting crystals.

20–What can readers expect from you next?

I’m working on Book Three of the Fantasy Resorts Series right now! It’s slated to come out in February or March, so look out for that. This one will take place at the Glacial Palace resort in unexplored Greenland. There *may* be a monster from Inuit mythology involved because I love genre blending. But the heart and soul is a spicy romance as always.


Thank you so much for interviewing me! I had a ton of fun and love sharing and interacting with readers!

A MATTER OF TIME by Lizzy Gayle

Fantasy Resorts #2

A Matter of Time

Arizona circa 1888 may be a fun place to visit, but the Time Capsule Fantasy Resort didn’t mean to crash land there.

It’s up to Walter Doyle, inventor of the new technology, to find and repair the missing cloaking device without altering the timeline. Easier said than done when he runs into a real-life, real-sexy Annie Oakley named Sadie. From the moment she points her shotgun at him, he’s smitten.

All Sadie Rogers wants is to be left alone to mind her ranch and her son, something the men in town wouldn’t be keen on if they found out her husband was dead. Keeping a low profile gets more complicated when the handsome Wally shows up on a hush-hush mission from Washington. When his top-secret contraption kills a man on Sadie’s property, she hides the evidence. Though, she might be convinced to turn the thing over in exchange for Wally posing as her new fiancé to help save her ranch…

With sabotage afoot and a town full of corrupt cowboys and nosy neighbors, can Wally and Sadie find a way to solve both their problems? Maybe. But they’ll create an even bigger one while trying—how to hold on to love that transcends time itself.


Romance Time Travel [City Owl Press, On Sale: August 4, 2022, e-Book, ISBN: 9781648982248 / ]

Buy A MATTER OF TIME: Kindle | | Amazon CA | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Amazon FR

About Lizzy Gayle

Lizzy Gayle

Lizzy Gayle loves paranormal so much, she lives it. She is both an author and a psychic. Between mothering her three kids, attempting to understand her rocket scientist husband, and consistently attempting to declutter her home (that she is convinced is a secret portal to a clutter-creating dimension), she does her best to use her creative gifts and share them with you. Lizzy is a people person so if you contact her, it will make her very happy and she will likely answer while possibly including pictures of her bunnies and/or bird. She has also been known to write Young Adult under the name Lisa Gail Green.



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