Fresh FIction Box Not To Miss

Mary Wine | Name Your Poison…AKA…Favorite Drink

October 15, 2010

AUTHORTITLEHello again! Thanks for having me back! I had such fun blogging last time about collections, I’ve been pacing around my office trying to think up another topic that might be as fun. Nothing like a little pressure to motivate…lol.

Well, as I was brainstorming, I realized I reached for my tea about ten times. I adore tea. All sorts, flavors and kinds. So I thought, what are your fun foods? Some people call them comfort foods and I think that term applies well.

My biggest one is the tea. In my kitchen there is an entire cabinet full of tea boxes. It smells really good when you open it up too. There are loose leaf and bags. Fruit tea…I’m sort of on a cranberry kick at the moment, last year it was almond. I’ve got mint growing in my yard that I often add to my tea when it is brewing. My latest thing has been decaffeinated varieties because I drink so much of it, I have to switch to “unleaded” or I can sit still to write!

My Dad was and is a coffee man. I keep coffee in my house for when he drops by. A lesson learned because one night he showed up and I didn’t have a single ground of java anywhere. Oh the shame. It was near Halloween and I had on one of my Victorian dresses. I ended up at the local market…bustle and all…buying coffee.

Isn’t it interesting the beverages we love? To the point that we’re willing to go out of our way to get them? I love tea, fresh brewed, not that stuff flowing from the soda fountain and I will walk the additional mile at Disneyland to get it. Hey, you wouldn’t serve instant coffee…why instant tea? I also have a very good friend who adores Diet Coke and both my sons like Mountain Dew the best. No Sprite for them, they are Mountain Dew men or water, LOL!

I even work this into my writing from time to time. Some of my Highlanders like small beer opposed to ale. They weren’t drinking tea yet in the period of Highland Hellcat but they were making whiskey. My favorite beverage they were making at this time was mulled cider. They would warm it with spices and that must have smelled wonderful on a chilling highland night.

So what is it you love or stock your house with for a friend or relative?

Thanks for having me by and please hop over to my Website… for excerpts and a look at what I’ve got coming.


Hot enough to warm even the coldest Scottish Nights……”
—Publishers Weekly Starred Review of To Conquer a Highlander

He wants a wife he can control
Connor Lindsey is a Highland laird, but his clan’s loyalty is hard won and he takes nothing for granted. He’ll do whatever it takes to find a virtuous wife, even if he has to kidnap her…

She has a spirit that can’t be tamed
Brina Chattan has always defied convention. She sees no reason to be docile now that she’s been captured by a powerful laird and taken to his storm-tossed castle in the Highlands, far from her home.

When a rival laird’s interference nearly tears them apart, Connor discovers that a woman with a wild streak suits him much better than he’d ever imagined…

Mary Wine is a multi-published author in romantic suspense, fantasy and western romance; now her interest in historical reenactment and costuming has inspired her to turn her pen to historical romance. She lives with her husband and sons in southern California, where the whole family enjoys participating in historical reenactment. For more information, please visit

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