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P.E. Padilla | Conversations in Character with Aila Ven

December 4, 2023

Book Title: HERO’S STRENGTH, Song of Prophecy series Book 10

Character Name: Aila Ven


How would describe yourself?

Me? Psht. Look at me. I’m adorable, sexy, and irresistible.


Is that it?

Well, I’m also easy to get along with. Most of the time, anyway. If someone is being stupid, maybe not so much, but otherwise, I’m all sunshine and rainbows. I am also very good at killing things, if I do say so myself. Not just for the sake of it, of course, but when it’s necessary, I have the skills to defend myself and others. Did I mention how much of a pleasure I am to deal with?


What was your greatest talent?

There’s my combat prowess, as I mentioned, but even more than that, my ability to think on my feet is up there high on the list. You can’t really do great things in life if all you are is a weapon. You have to be able to figure things out, outthink your opponents, be skillful in all things. So, yeah, I guess my greatest talent is being good at everything. Does that make sense?


Significant other?

Please. I have men, and some women, falling all over themselves for me everywhere I go. I can’t be tied down to just one person. Not unless it’s Aeden. I think he could manage me. Of course, he plays hard to get with me, but I’ve seen what my flirting does to him. I’ve counted at least six different shades of red on his face? If there was one person, it would be him, but…well, no. No significant other, not in that way. Really, anyone I allow into my life is significant by definition, right?


Do you have any enemies?

That’s kind of a big question. I guess I can start by saying that all those dark un-alive creatures who have invaded the world to destroy all life on it, they can all be counted as my enemies. That’s not saying much, though, when literally everyone in the world is their enemy, or at least their prey. There are other people who aren’t fond of me for one reason or another. They mostly want to kill me. I guess that can be considered an enemy? Honestly, I don’t pay much attention to all that, with trying to save the world with my hero friends. Anyone else who has a problem with me is going to have to get in line.


Where do you live?

I travel a lot. I mean, a lot. If I could point to one place that seems like home, it would be Batido, our little dormitory building at the Hero Academy at Sitor Kanda. All my friends live there and when we’re not out traveling the world trying to keep from dying, it’s as much of a home as I’ve ever known. Even when I am out and about in the world, I’m usually with at least two or three of my friends, almost like I take a piece of home with me, so that makes it not so bad. Except for all the trying not to be killed thing.


What do you do for a living?

For years, I’ve been what you might call self-employed. Recently, though, it seems like my profession is heroine. How can it not be when you’re running around with the likes of Erent Caahs, the great archer; Aeden Tannoch, the Malatirsay of prophecy; and his twin sister Marla Shrike, who is the most accomplished student ever to have graced the Hero Academy? I even got a commendation from the Emperor of Shinyan one time. Yeah, I’m definitely a heroine. Saving the world, that’s my thing.


Greatest disappointment?

I…uh…next question.


Greatest source of joy?

Honestly, right now, it has to be my friends. When I say friends, I’m talking about people who will walk through the fire for you, sacrifice their lives for you, lend you the last bit of their strength. I’ve called them heroes several times already, but that word doesn’t do them justice. My friends are the most fantastic, most caring, most priceless people in the entire world. Every day I count myself the luckiest woman alive that I can even associate with them. And they all love me. I mean, of course they do, but come on, these are the people the entire world is relying on to save them, and they’re willing to sacrifice for me. There is nothing in creation that gives me more joy than them and it’s a privilege to bleed beside them. I would count myself lucky to be able to sacrifice my life so that they could live five seconds longer. Don’t you dare tell them I said any of that, though.


What do you do to entertain yourself or have fun?

Normal stuff. You know, kill magical monsters, search out and free up hidden magic in the world, play practical jokes on my friends. One of our group, Raki, is a teenager and he loves stories of all kinds. He’s somehow gotten us all to take turns telling tales of heroes and villains, monsters and gods, myths and legends, every night. Sitting around in the common room or campfire, eating a good meal and listening to stories, I look forward to getting back home and experiencing that again. After I’m finished with the boring mission I’m on currently.


What keeps you awake at night?

Are you kidding? Did you miss the part about the lifeless magical creatures invading the world to kill all life within it? What do you think I have nightmares about, my hair being flat? (It never is, just so you know. It always looks fabulous)


What is the most pressing problem you have at the moment?

I’m going to have to go with THE DARK MONSTERS INVADING THE WORLD TO KILL EVERYONE. Yeah, that’s the one.


Is there anything else you’d like to tell us?

Sure. The animaru are real. They will get to wherever it is in the world you are right now and they will kill you. The rumors are true. Get yourself ready to fight for the existence of everyone you know. A handful of heroes can’t do everything.

Oh, and be nice to each other. I’ve met some people who really needed killing, but the worst of them is better than the monsters after us. It’s time to band together and fight. The dark days of prophecy have arrived. Other than that, have a great day!


Song of Prophecy #10

Hero's Strength

The strength to do what’s necessary…

Aila Ven has always been strong. Monsters from another world threaten life itself, but she knows her power will see her through. With her magical weapons, finely honed skills, and friends by her side—she has nothing to fear.

Or so she thought.

After their recent predicaments in Arania, Aila, Tere, and Lily are finally heading to the Great Enclave. To speak with the king.

Aila hasn’t set foot in the Clavian capital city for years, afraid of her secret being revealed. What will happen when her friends find out what she’s been hiding? What she can imagine may not even be the worst of their troubles. If the Great Enclave itself is corrupted, they may be riding into a trap set by the most powerful nation in the world.

Securing an alliance between the nation and the Hero Academy hinges on Aila, but the road they’re on may lead to imprisonment…again. Or worse.

This diplomatic mission may require every bit of skill and strength Aila has. Will what she possesses be enough? She’d rather fight the un-living animaru. At least they’re honest about wanting to kill her.


Fantasy | Fiction Adventure | Action [Oliver-Heber Books, On Sale: November 28, 2023, e-Book, / ]

Buy HERO’S STRENGTHKindle | Amazon CA | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Amazon FR

About P.E. Padilla

P.E. Padilla

A chemical engineer by degree and at various times an air quality engineer, a process control engineer, and a regulatory specialist by vocation, P.E. Padilla learned long ago that crunching numbers and designing solutions was not enough to satisfy his creative urges. Weaned on classic science fiction and fantasy stories from authors as diverse as Heinlein, Tolkien, and Jordan, and affected by his love of role playing games such as Dungeons and Dragons (analog) and Final Fantasy (digital), he sometimes has trouble distinguishing reality from fantasy. While not ideal for a person who needs to function in modern society, it’s the perfect state of mind for a writer. He is a recent transplant from Southern California to Northern Washington, where he lives surrounded by trees.

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