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Starla DeKruyf | 20 Questions: TRICKED IN OCTOBER

October 27, 2022

1–What is the title of your latest release?


2–What’s the “elevator pitch” for your new book?

In this best-friends-to-lovers romance, mistaken identity leads to a Halloween hook-up that might not be so mistaken after all.

3–How did you decide where your book was going to take place?

Since this is book two in the Pineridge series, the setting stayed the same as book one; the fictional town of Pineridge, Colorado. I thought having a romance series set in a small, mountainous town would be cozy and magical.

4–Would you hang out with your heroine in real life?

Absolutely! Hands-down 100% YES! Kelsey has a tough exterior but is still lots of fun. She’s a hardworking, loyal, taking care of business—and in her own way—feminist.

5–What are three words that describe your hero?

Reliable, empathetic, rugged

6–What’s something you learned while writing this book?

This book was tough for me to write. One of my hardest to date. I went deep on some issues, and I also wrote it during a cross-country move while grieving the unexpected loss of our dog. So while my characters were suffering loss, I was too in my own way. I learned how hard I can push myself. I learned about perseverance. And when to give myself grace.

7—Do you edit as you draft or wait until you are totally done?

I never edit as I draft. UNLESS I’m handwriting the draft, then I’ll do lots of crossing out lines, writing in the margins, and using a ton of arrows. Ha-ha!

8—What’s your favorite foodie indulgence?

Cinnamon rolls

9—Describe your writing space/office!

We moved into a new house last fall, and I’ve been blessed to have my own office space! I have a sit-to-stand desk which is amazing, shelves to hold my own books as well as some of my favorites, a beautiful sketch of Paul Rudd/Ant-Man, and a loveseat that makes it into a bed so guests can sleep in here too if they need it. But sometimes, my favorite writing space is outside or up in the family room so I can feel closer to my loved ones.

10—Who is an author you admire?

So many! But if I HAD to name one – Susan Wiggs. She’s a romance/women’s fiction author and her book Family Tree was the one that inspired me to start writing again and this time, not give up until I was published.

11—Is there a book that changed your life?

Tiger Eyes by Judy Blume. I borrowed this book from a friend, (never gave her back her copy-sorry Jen) when I was a kid and it blew my mind! It had curse words and kissing and from that day on, I was hooked on the romance genre. That book lit a fire and a dream in my heart to be an author.

12—Tell us about when you got “the call.” (when you found out your book was going to be published)

For me, I got an email instead of “the call”. I’d parted ways with my agent at the time and wrote a book for fun—a holiday romcom. Instead of querying it to agents, I sent it out to small publishers like, “Why not?” To my surprise, I got an email from a small publisher saying they wanted to publish my book! I was in shock! I actually had the manuscript out to a few other publishers, so I emailed them and let them know I had an offer. I received an email back quickly from an editor at City Owl Press who said she was in the middle of reading my manuscript and was enjoying it and wanted time to read. She told me in the meantime, to come up with a series proposal. I spent the weekend writing a proposal for a three-book series, all surrounding different holidays. It was a unanimous YES from my editor, the publisher, and the team and that’s how I signed my three-book deal.

13—What’s your favorite genre to read?

Romance – though I love to dabble in thrillers and dramas from time to time.

14—What’s your favorite movie?

The Cutting Edge – I can quote every line from this movie.

15—What is your favorite season?

Fall – I like to be cozy but NOT cold.

16—How do you like to celebrate your birthday?

Typically, I just want a day of no household chores, a good cup of coffee, time to write, and dinner out with my family. But this year, I’m going to be spending my birthday in Disneyland.

17–What’s a recent tv show/movie/book/podcast you highly recommend?

I just finished the newest season of Virgin River, Emily in Paris, and Stranger Things which were all great. But I will always prefer comfort shows like New Girl, Friends, and The Office. I did really love the new movie The Lost City with Sandra Bullock and Channing Tatum. Choosing any romance book feels impossible because there are so many!

18–What’s your favorite type of cuisine?

This is a tie between Mexican dishes and Italian because it really depends on what it is and who’s cooking it.

19–What do you do when you have free time?

What’s free time? No seriously, most recently I’m learning how to relax so I’ve been spending time in the pool. But I mostly spend my free time writing, watching movies with my family, reading, drinking coffee, gardening, and occasionally baking/decorating cakes.

20–What can readers expect from you next?

I have so many books exploding from my imagination. But next will most likely be book 3 in the Pineridge series which releases in February 2023. I’m planning to self-publish a romance series and possibly query a new rom-com all in 2023. The best is yet to come!


Tricked in October

After losing her husband last winter, the thought of hosting a Halloween couples costume party is the furthest thing from Kelsey O’Henry’s mind. Besides raising three young children, managing O’Henry’s Bar and Grill, and caring for her alcoholic mother, she has more important things to worry about. Like the stack of unpaid business loans that threaten the bar’s existence. As well as her newfound feelings she’s developed for her best guy friend.


Davis Vance is tired of being followed around by cameras. He misses the days before he and his twin brother became “Renovation Dudes”—hosts of an HGTV show. When Davis learns Kelsey could lose the bar at the end of the fall season, he sees it as an opportunity to not only help his friend, but as a way out of renewing his HGTV contract.


There’s just one problem—lately Davis’s feelings for Kelsey have been less friendly and more romantic. And on the night of the bar’s Halloween party, both Kelsey and Davis can no longer ignore their desires. Will their passionate evening be a one-night stand—only a flicker of heat during the crisp autumn, or will she risk her pride and accept his help?


Romance Small Town [City Owl Press, On Sale: August 22, 2022, e-Book, ISBN: 9781648982460 / eISBN: 9781648982477]

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About Starla DeKruyf

Starla DeKruyf

Starla DeKruyf started writing when she still had words left to say and everyone stopped listening. Her love of romance novels began when she borrowed her friend’s copy of Tiger Eyes by Judy Blume and kept it hidden from her mom. When she’s not slinging coffee, volunteering with youth, or taxiing her kids around, you can find her jamming out to her playlists and writing her next swoony romance, usually by hand. She lives in Bend, Oregon, with her husband, three children, their English Mastiff, and a rescue pup.


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