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Caitlin McKenna | Books and Movies to Get You in the Holiday Spirit
Author Guest / November 30, 2021

It’s that time of year when a warm inviting fire beckons us to curl up on the couch with a great romance novel and some hot cocoa. Perhaps this is why I couldn’t resist setting my latest romantic comedy at Christmastime. COLORADO CHRISTMAS MAGIC brings two high school sweethearts together to debunk a small mountain town’s famous Scrooge Legend. The more these skeptics attempt to prove that Christmas magic doesn’t exist, the more the magic begins to work between the two of them, and they soon experience love, laughter, and holiday cheer, which is what Christmas is all about. Is it me, or has life become so busy that it’s become more difficult to enjoy the holidays? When you’re answering work emails at midnight two weeks before Christmas, here’s a listicle of my favorite Christmas movies and books that will help to put you in the Christmas spirit. # 5 The Night Before Christmas by. This children’s book, for all ages, sparked my love for writing and Christmas. During the holiday season, my mom used to read this story to my sister and me before we dozed off to sleep. The detailed description of St. Nick and his reindeer is timeless,…