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Gabriela Romero Lacruz | A Venezuelan Epic Fantasy About a Young Woman Following the Ancient Legend of a Cruel God
Author Guest / July 27, 2023

1–What is the title of your latest release? THE SUN AND THE VOID 2–What’s the “elevator pitch” for your new book? A Venezuelan epic fantasy about a young woman following the ancient legend of a dark cruel god. 3–How did you decide where your book was going to take place? I was compelled to write a fantasy book that showed off the interesting settings and folklore of Venezuela. I’ve always loved secondary fantasy. In devouring such stories, I noticed how they always used Japanese, Roman, British, etc. history, folklore, and mythology as the foundation for their magic systems and secondary worlds. The idea of seeing a magical world that drew inspiration from Venezuelan history and folklore really excited me. So I decided to write it myself, for the nerds like me, who grew up loving worlds like those of Final Fantasy yet had our existence largely ignored by mainstream media. 4–Would you hang out with your protagonist in real life? Yes, but knowing how shy and duty-obsessed she is, she probably wouldn’t bother to hang out with me. 5–What are three words that describe your protagonist? Angsty, loyal, independent 6–What’s something you learned while writing this book? I learned that…