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Heather Atkinson Interview – Inspiration and Historical Thrillers
Author Guest , Interviews / June 15, 2022

When I first heard about your book THE MISSING GIRLS OF ALARDYCE HOUSE, I was intrigued because it sounded like the kind of historical gothic mystery I adore. What inspired you to write this book, and why a trilogy?  Does each book pick up where the previous one left off? Does each book focus on the same characters? Is each book told from the same character’s perspective? I was inspired to write this series by a clip from Downton Abbey. I’d never actually watched the program before, but I saw a snippet of it on Harry Hill’s TV Burp of all things. It was a scene where the family were gathered around the table for dinner and I saw the character Thomas, played by the lovely Rob James Collier. This inspired the character of Matthew. He sprung to life in my mind very vividly and quickly. I wrote the first book in just three weeks and that was handwritten in a notebook, not even on a laptop. The book just poured out of me so quickly my hand could barely keep up with my brain. It was the most intense writing experience I’ve ever had. Each book in the series…