Fresh FIction Box Not To Miss
J.G. Sauer | A Magickal Royal Scepter and a Fairy Tale to Sell
Author Guest / April 6, 2023

1–What is the title of your latest release? MADNESS THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS – Book 2 in the Looking Glass series. 2–What’s the “elevator pitch” for your new book? Down the rabbit hole and back out through the looking glass with a magickal Royal Scepter and a fairy tale to sell. What if little Alice’s story was true? What if ‘Wonderland’ with all those enchanting characters was a real place? Alice’s descendant found out the hard way in book 1 …however, the story has only begun … 3–How did you decide where your book was going to take place? I built my vision of ‘wonderland’ on how it I saw it in my head. It exists in a parallel dimension – you only have to find a portal, some of which are right there in plain sight. Of course, you have to know where to look—or look with your inner child’s eyes. 4–Would you hang out with your protagonist in real life? Absolutely! To have a bestie like Ally who’s the descendant of the original Alice, who knows where ‘wonderland’ is and how to get there? Fabulous! 5–What are three words that describe your protagonist? Ally surprised me in so…