Fresh FIction Box Not To Miss
Janette Oke and Laurel Oke Logan | Exclusive Excerpt: UNFAILING LOVE
Author Guest , Excerpt / June 3, 2022

“Yer gonna have ta calm down, Lillian. Yer scarin’ them kids.” Miss Tilly was beating eggs for the meringue topping on her strawberry pie for supper with Father. She paused only an instant to speak the words quietly, her eyes fixed on Lillian. “Am I? Scaring them?” “Yeah, I think ya are.” “Oh dear.” There’d been so much to worry about. Lillian had momentarily forgotten to try to appear confident for the sake of the children. Her heart had fluttered uncomfortably for much of Saturday afternoon and by now her stomach was churning. Her long-awaited reunion with Father was fast approaching. “I’ll try.” “With as many folks as are lookin’ north just now, I wouldn’t doubt but them kids’ll be home ’fore ya know it.” Lillian groaned. “I do hope you’re right.” In spite of the strain of it all, supper was being prepared. The table had been set. There was no way to know if Grace and Ben would arrive home before Father and Delyth appeared, but there was no way to postpone the meal. Lillian was suddenly aware that the children should have been her most important focus at the moment. “Would you mind, Miss Tilly, if I…