Fresh FIction Box Not To Miss
Laura Simcox | That Would Make a GREAT Romance Novel!
Author Guest / August 5, 2014

Real life is stranger than fiction. This statement is generally true, and I’m glad, because a lot of my story ideas are sparked by headlines/posts/comments I see on social media. I have a document pinned to my desktop, and its sole purpose is to collect the random things I see and thoughts I have that could one day blossom into stories. I’m inspired by stuff my friends post on Facebook, like: “Entire Family Lives in a Giant Tree House” or headlines on Yahoo! like: “What Would You Never, Ever Do Again, Even for a Million Dollars?” The tree house one…okay, I have to admit that premise would be a stretch for a contemporary romance novel, even though I write humor. But the second one? I think the million dollars challenge would make a great romance novel, because I can put a hero or heroine in that scenario and ask what if? I saw this article the other day about an app called Tinder. Apparently, it’s for singles who want to meet people while traveling. Sightseeing, dinner….fill in the blank. It could be completely innocent, or not, depending on the traveler. Judging by the comments at the end of the article,…