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Lian Dolan | Author-Reader Match: LOST AND FOUND IN PARIS
Author Guest / April 15, 2022

Instead of trying to find your perfect match in a dating app, we bring you the “Author-Reader Match” where we introduce you to authors you may fall in love with. It’s our great pleasure to present Lian Dolan Writes: Books about contemporary women inspired by historical women. Fun, fast-paced stories in lush locations that combine humor, heart and heroines who make it happen for themselves. LOST AND FOUND IN PARIS is an art history treasure hunt that sets museum curator Joan Bright Blakely on a breakneck journey to recover a lost sketchbook and find herself in the process. A Parisian romp with a deeper side. About: Easy, Breezy Southern California Author. All true except the easy breezy bit. I’m pretty serious about my coffee in the morning, my tuna fish sandwich at lunch and coasters under cocktails. Interests include finding the perfect V-neck tee shirt, dancing, swimming and not straining anything, being worthy of my dog, and all the Chrises (Pine, Hemsworth, Evans and Kringle). Booklovers a must. What I’m looking for in my ideal reader match Wants books with a lot of sass and a touch of history Enjoys travel even in an armchair Needs a sexy vacation in…