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Natalie Walters | Author-Reader Match: LIGHTS OUT
Author Guest / November 5, 2021

Instead of trying to find your perfect match in a dating app, we bring you the “Author-Reader Match” where we introduce you to authors you may fall in love with. It’s our great pleasure to present Natalie Walters! Writes: I write what I love to read. Intriguing suspense centered around intricate plots; memorable characters who make me laugh with them, love them, and root for them; and a storyline that speaks internal truths that stick with me long after the last page. Oh, and I unapologetically exploit my dear friends whose careers in the military, three-letter agencies, and law enforcement help me bring a level of authenticity to my stories! Proof of that exploitation is evident in my newest novel, LIGHTS OUT. When an Egyptian spy goes missing in America, CIA officer Elinor Mitchell is the only one to blame. In a race against an impending terror threat, Elinor must work with the last person she expected, Jack Hudson. Not only is he her ex-boyfriend, the man she betrayed, but also the team leader for the Strategic Neutralization and Protection Agency—a private contract agency that keeps Americans obliviously unaware of the continuous threats against them and their country. Without Jack…