Fresh FIction Box Not To Miss
M.M. Crane | 20 Questions: RECKLESS FORTUNE
Author Guest / September 27, 2022

1–What is the title of your latest release? RECKLESS FORTUNE 2–What’s the “elevator pitch” for your new book? Contemporary mail-order bride in Alaska with the rugged bush pilot! 3–How did you decide where your book was going to take place? The book is the second in my Fortunes of Lost Lake series, so I knew it would take place in Alaska in the vibrant and remote little community we first meet in last year’s Bold Fortune. But this book also involves even more of a survival challenge in the form of a plane crash… so there’s a whole lot more Alaskan wilderness, too! 4–Would you hang out with your heroine in real life? Absolutely. She’s unflappable, making her exactly the person you’d want in an emergency – and she’s also a lot of fun to have around in non-emergency situations, too. I’m not sure she’d have a lot of use for ME, though, as I don’t have all (any) of her homesteading or survival skills! 5–What are three words that describe your hero? Hot. Hot. Oh yes, and… HOT. 6–What’s something you learned while writing this book? I learned a LOT about small planes and the fearless bush pilots who…