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Meara Platt | 20 Questions: THE TREASURE OF LOVE
Author Guest / March 9, 2022

1–What is the title of your latest release? THE TREASURE OF LOVE which is lucky thirteen in my Book of Love series, a charmingly humorous Regency romance series that deals with a mysterious book that seems to hold the secrets to finding true love. When I signed on to write these stories, my publisher and I were contemplating maybe six books in all, but they are so much fun and have developed a following, so I would love to keep writing them until I turn 100! 2–What’s the “elevator pitch” for your new book? Think of the ‘traveling pants’ stories. In my series, each heroine passes along the mysterious Book of Love to a friend or relative ready to make their debut in London Society in the hope the wisdom in this book will lead them to finding their true love. The strength of these stories is that while they are cute and fictional romances, the advice in this Book of Love is quite real and based on the neurological behaviors in our brain associated with love. Male and female brains work differently, so these stories delve into these different aspects. What first attracts a man to a woman? How…