Fresh FIction Box Not To Miss
Blending Real Life With Fiction by Meredith Bond
Author Guest / December 16, 2022

One of the most fun things about both reading and writing historical romance is the blending of fact and fiction—finding those nuggets of truth amidst the earth of a novel. Some readers—especially Regency romance readers—expect there to be complete accuracy in the manners and forms of address mentioned in a novel. Fashion choices should align with what was really fashionable, and historical accuracy needs to be kept as close to reality as possible. That is all well and good and I don’t have a problem with any of that, although, as a reader, I do allow for more discretion than many others (it is a novel after all, and if an author wants to move around bits of historical fact I don’t mind so long as they know the truth of it and put in an author’s note at the end). When I was in college and studying British History, I even wrote a paper on the historical accuracy found in one of the romance novels I was reading. To say that professor was shocked at how accurate it was would be to understate his response. With all this in mind, when I set out to create a country for…