Fresh FIction Box Not To Miss
Sarah Adlakha | Exclusive Excerpt: MIDNIGHT ON THE MARNE
Excerpt / August 9, 2022

Chaper 2     She watched from the shadows. Marcelle had bolted from the cellar when her mother had gone out to gather supplies and Madame Fournier had dozed off with her daughters, and then she had slipped into a crowd of people who were making their way to the cathedral square. Monsieur Bauer was doing the translating again for the German commander, but Marcelle didn’t need it. She understood perfectly well what “Wir werden deine Stadt niederbrennen” meant without having to be told. We will burn your city down. Insubordination would not be tolerated. Monsieur Bauer’s voice struggled to be heard over the roar of the commander’s words that echoed in German through the town square. Everything about the man was severe: the lines and angles of his face; the boom of his voice; the penalties for breaking his rules. Loitering, missing curfew, and not saluting German officers were not fatal transgressions, but most of his orders ended with the words “wird mit der Todesstrafe bestraft.” . . . the penalty is death. “All weapons are to be turned over at once. If you are found with firearms in your possession, the penalty is death.” “All collaborators will be treated as enemies…