Fresh FIction Box Not To Miss
Cait Nary | Author-Reader Match: SEASON’S CHANGE
Author Guest / February 4, 2022

Instead of trying to find your perfect match in a dating app, we bring you the “Author-Reader Match” where we introduce you to authors as a reader you may fall in love with. It’s our great pleasure to present Cait Nary! Writes: I write character-driven M/M hockey romance that’s not scared to tackle the darker side of hockey culture. As a hockey fan with her eyes open to the sport’s shortcomings, I wanted to write a book that grappled with the challenges of falling in love in an environment that is profoundly heteronormative and steeped in toxic masculinity. In SEASON’S CHANGE, Olly and Benji spend all their time together—on the ice, in the locker room, in their shared apartment—and learn that ignoring their unspoken feelings isn’t an option. About: A Southerner who somehow managed to stumble my way into hockey fandom, my interests include yelling “Shoot!” at the Philadelphia Flyers; cheering for whoever is playing against the Washington Capitals at my closest geographic hockey arena; and refusing to learn how to interpret advanced hockey analytics. I’m a big fan of arena-sized light beers and collecting more hockey-themed snapbacks than I will ever be able to wear. What I’m looking for…