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Work It Out | A Hollywood Superhero Transformation in a Gym with a Chronic Illness Spin

January 30, 2024

What is the title of your latest release?



What’s the “elevator pitch” for your new book?

A Hollywood superhero transformation in a Southwestern Stars Hallow gym, with a chronic illness spin.


How did you decide where your book was going to take place?

I’m a midwestern girl with Phoenix family. Arizona is one of the few places I’ve visited that leaving feels like homesickness. And of all its beauty, I think the Coconino National Forrest haunts me most. This way at least I can visit in my daydreams.


Would you hang out with your heroine in real life?

Absolutely! Rayah is a badass who loves her chosen family more than anything. Combined with her sass and that ass… Who could resist?


What are three words that describe your hero?

Punny, adorable, relentless


What’s something you learned while writing this book?

I realized that I had yet to fully accept what having a dynamic disability means for me. Jake’s case is much like my own when I was that age. I pushed through things I shouldn’t have, called myself horrible names, listened to the whispers of doctors and gym teachers lingering in the back of my mind, accusing me of gross crimes against productivity. Writing Jake, especially seeing him through Rayah’s eyes, has taught me to be kinder to that girl and to the woman she became. My illness has changed with time, it always will, but so can I. And that’s a beautiful thing.


Do you edit as you draft or wait until you are totally done?

I can’t seem to stop myself from light edits as I go, but I am far more productive when I make notes for future Eva in the margins. That chick hates me.


What’s your favorite foodie indulgence?

Dessert, hands down. Though I can be a bit of a sweets snob. I love to bake. To really impress me, I want something better than I can make at home.


Describe your writing space/office!

My office is all soft colors and cushy spaces. POTS makes remaining in one position for extended periods uncomfortable, so I move around a lot and have lots of bizarre tricks and gadgets to make things work.


Who is an author you admire?

It has to be J.R. Ward. I’ve been to numerous signings over the past 15 years and she has only ever been all that is gracious, hilarious, and utterly badass. But she won a special place in my heart in 2022.


My two besties and I were all set to attend her Readers on the River event when Bestie One came down with COVID. We were all heartbroken. Bestie Two and I visited all the authors we could during the signing, recording personalized greetings. When we got to J.R., she’d been signing for four hours, well past when the event should have been over. Still, when we asked for a quick hello for Bestie One, she didn’t hesitate. “Oh, no! Fuckin’ call her!” And that is the story of how my friend got a phone call from J.R. Ward.


Is there a book that changed your life?

SAVING GRACE by Julie Garwood. It was one of my first romance novels, one of the first to make me fall in love with falling in love, and absolutely the first that showed me romance doesn’t have to be predictable. (The turn at the end of the prologue… chef’s kiss).


Tell us about when you got “the call.” (when you found out your book was going to be published)

I barely remember it. It was such a surreal moment. After 14 years of querying, almost a year on sub and months of waiting to hear one way or the other from the acquisitions team, it was days before I let myself believe it.


What’s your favorite genre to read? 

If it doesn’t have romance, I don’t want it. I’ll read nearly any sub-genre, but right now romcoms have my tired heart.


What’s your favorite movie?

Ever After, the Drew Barrymore Cinderella classic. There’s more than a little nod to Danielle in this book.


What is your favorite season?

I’m an autumn girlie. Give me cool weather and warm fires.


How do you like to celebrate your birthday?

Take me away! I’ll take travel over jewelry any day. This year I turned 40 and celebrated my 20th wedding anniversary three weeks apart. My husband and I celebrated with a trip to Universal Studios, Orlando.


What’s a recent tv show/movie/book/podcast you highly recommend?

My favorite read of late has been SAME TIME NEXT YEAR by Tessa Bailey. It’s a everything a novella should be, and Sum had me at first blush.


What’s your favorite type of cuisine?



What do you do when you have free time?

My boys are teenagers now, and far too cool for me, but I love when they humor me with a game of Cards Against Maturity or a movie. Otherwise, you’ll find me curled up next to my husband with a book or watching TV. (Sometimes both.)


What can readers expect from you next?

Definitely more Bigbone antics. Hopefully something more fantastical too.

WORK IT OUT by Eva Siedler

Work It Out

It’s all work and even more play in this irresistible and quirky romance that’s a perfect fit for fans of Amy Lea & Talia Hibbert.

With the lead role in a huge action film up for grabs, actor Jake Newman has ninety days to get in shape. How does a man grow abs without the tabloids watching his every move? By sneaking off to a high-end health resort in his Arizona hometown to supersize his biceps…Thor style. Oh, and hope no one discovers the real reason he bailed from Los Angeles—or the teeny little health issue he’s hoping to keep from everyone.

Especially his cute, sunshiny, and absolute hard-ass new trainer.

Former gymnast Rayah Summers has poured everything she has into her desert dream: a full-service resort that helps people transform their bodies and lifestyles. But a run of bad luck has her on the brink of bankruptcy —and the Hollywood hunk with insanely sexy dimples is all that’s standing between her and disaster.

Now everything depends on her success: her future, her roof over her head, and especially her trainers—who are more family than employees. Rayah can’t afford for anything to go wrong… and no one’s able to explain why Jake Newman keeps collapsing during even the lightest workouts.

Now it’s a balance beam nightmare, with Rayah trying to keep her business afloat—all while managing her staff’s drama, keeping her celebrity client a secret, and not falling for him or his devilishly sexy grin. And it’s just a matter of time before Jake’s secrets threaten not only her dreams, but the chosen family she’s found…


Romance Contemporary [Entangled: Amara, On Sale: January 29, 2024, e-Book, / ]

Buy WORK IT OUTKindle | Amazon CA | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Amazon FR

About Eva Siedler

Eva Siedler

Eva Siedler was born in Columbus, Ohio to parents who enjoy the kind of epic love most people only read about. She didn’t inhale books like her older brother and mother or scribble stories in a notebook during study hall. Because writing necessitated reading. And she HATED reading. Every paragraph was a battle, and she couldn’t seem to stay awake through the first ten pages. It wasn’t until her own love story unfolded and a colicky baby started keeping her up at night that Eva discovered what good fiction can do for the soul. In 2008, with a toddler on each knee, she wrote her first novel. Since then she has traveled the country, learning all she can from fellow writers and developing some of the deepest friendships of her life along the way. Writing wasn’t the path she imagined. It’s the path she was born for, and so much better than she could have dreamed. Eva lives near Columbus, Ohio with her sexy mechanic husband, two ornery boys, and a pair of needy dogs. She is a member of the Romance Writers of America, and as the Central Ohio Fiction Writers. After much rejection and too many hours spent “bleeding on the page,” her debut novella, LAS VEGAS LAYOVER, will be released in November from Samhain Publishing.


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