Fresh FIction Box Not To Miss
Stephanie Julian | A Writer’s List of Thanks
Uncategorized / November 10, 2008

Since November is the month when we give thanks for being lucky enough to live in our great country—and since I figure I’ve given enough tax dollars to the government to say thanks for the next fifty years—I thought I’d list all those things that we, as writers, should be thankful for every day. Ergonomic chairs. Pretty self-explanatory. Agents. The first line of defense in any writer’s arsenal against rejection. It’s not that you don’t get rejections, it’s just that she gets them first. Yes, they still sting but having someone who believes in you makes it all a little better. Writing buddies. Knowing I can call them, day or night and bitch about my uncooperative muse makes me breathe easier. Call waiting. Don’t recognize the number? Ignore. Recognize the number as your mother-in-law’s? See response to first question. Cattle prods. For those days when the kids demand to know why they don’t have any clean underwear and what exactly you did all day if you didn’t do wash. Tazers. For the husband on vacation (or retirement) who walks into your office as you’re furiously typing away, leans on the door and says, “So, what are you doing?” And the…