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Regan Black | Military Heroes Mean More Than Great Abs
Author Guest / November 13, 2013

Thinking of military heroes brings to mind characters in their physical prime (who doesn’t love a sizzling six-pack?), who aren’t afraid to jump into the fray and do the right thing despite the personal cost. As a paranormal and romantic suspense author, knowing service men and women have faced things most of us have not, it’s intriguing to peek behind the curtain and explore how those experiences change their world view and personal priorities. John Noble, the hero of BULLETPROOF, is one of those dark, bad boy types. He’s a former soldier with a mysterious past. He’s sexy and scarred – inside and out. On a mission protecting an ambitious reporter working a career-defining story, John has his hands full saving Amelia Bennett from the powerful people who want her dead while plotting his escape from the shadow agency he is tired of serving. As an Army wife, military heroes are near and dear to me and they show up in nearly all of my books in one way or another. It’s not just a ploy to prove to my husband that I’ve actually listened to his many stories from training and deployments (though it certainly helps). Writing military heroes…