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Alison Aimes | 20 Questions: BROKEN HEIR

March 10, 2022

1–What is the title of your latest release?

BROKEN HEIR, A Dark Fated-Mates Romance

2–What’s the “elevator pitch” for your new book?

He’s a ruthless warlord out for revenge and redemption. She’s his enemy’s daughter with a big secret of her own— and he’s about to leave her breathless, begging, and broken.

3–How did you decide where your book was going to take place?

BROKEN HEIR is the third book in the Ruthless Warlords series and so I knew early on that this book would be about the beautiful, broken alpha Alexi’s book, the third oldest brother in the Skolov family, and his search for his missing brother among his enemies, the Sartins. I also knew he would find his fated mate in the midst -and that it didn’t matter that the timing was all wrong, or that he was promised to someone else, or that she was involved in her own mess and that their attraction ruined all their plans and only made everything more complicated, dangerous, and more of a mess. I knew they’d be unable to stay away from each other, and I knew she would help heal him while he saved her too.  I knew it was a dark, raw love that would leave wreckage in their wake and them both broken—all so they could be rebuilt stronger in the end, the love between then even more unbreakable.

4–Would you hang out with your heroine in real life?

Absolutely. She’s such a brave, fearless soul with a strong loyalty to those she loves. I’d love to have her as a friend.

5–What are three words that describe your hero?

Sexy, Alpha, Beast.

6–What’s something you learned while writing this book?

“Research” can be super fun! This latest book has a hero who has berserker qualities and there was a size issue, so I kept having to ask my husband to come help me out with certain logistics when it came to the romance. I think this was his favorite book yet. 😉

7–Do you edit as you draft or wait until you are totally done?

I edit as I go and then edit some more. Plus, I write waaaay too much and then whittle down. It is definitely not an ideal technique, but it’s the one I’m stuck with. Lol. It all works out in the end, so that’s the silver lining. Still, it’s not a writing strategy I’d recommend, and I definitely don’t think a how-to writing book is in my near future. 😉

8–What’s your favorite foodie indulgence?

Dark chocolate with almonds. Oh, how I love it.

9–Describe your writing space/office!

I write on my bed on a portable desk while my dog is cuddled up beside me, snoring away. I know the experts do not recommend this strategy, but I love it—and so does my snoring pup. I’ve been working this way since high school, and it got me through college, a PhD, and several romance books so I’m in the routine now. Plus, my toes are always toasty warm under the covers.

10–Who is an author you admire?

Oh, wow. Soooo many. Where do I begin and when do I stop? Both the SciFi romance and Omegaverse romance author world are tight knit, supportive microcosms filled with talented, generous authors who are always there to offer advice and support. I find myself inspired and educated daily by different authors and I feel so fortunate to be a part of both worlds.

11–Is there a book that changed your life?

I don’t recall the name. It was probably a Johanna Lindsey or Julia Garwood romance novel , but when I swiped that romance from my mom’s bedside table a whole new world opened up to me—and I’ve never looked back. I loved reading romance before I ever wrote a word myself, and reading those early romance definitely played a large part in why I returned to write in the genre many years later.

12–Tell us about when you got “the call.” (when you found out your book was going to be


I had a NY agent at the time, and she called me to say my first book had been picked up by Avon. I was so excited. Fast forward a few weeks and I got another call saying they were making changes and I’d been dropped. It was the sudden arrival of the self-publishing era and things were changing fast in the publishing world. I was disappointed at the time, but like so many moments like this, it was the best thing that could have happened to me. I joined the indie ranks and could not be happier.

13–What’s your favorite genre to read?

Romance. Hands down. I love it and I think the level of writing talent is some of the highest. I also love romantic suspense and mysteries.

14–What’s your favorite movie?

I honestly don’t have one. I loved Memento because it was dark and twisty, loved the Horrible Bosses series because they’re hilarious and totally twisted and inappropriate, loved Legend of the Falls because I was a thirsty young woman at the time it released. Lol. Point is, I love a lot of movies and it definitely depends on my mood.

15–What is your favorite season?

Summer. I looove the water and shorts and tank tops and flip flips and popsicles and the SUN! Gimme, gimme.

16–How do you like to celebrate your birthday?

Quietly. With those I love and a tiny tin of caviar and chocolate strawberries. It’s heaven.

17–What’s a recent tv show/movie/book/podcast you highly recommend?

Bo Jack Horseman is a favorite of mine. I loved the first season of Hidden Gemstones too.

18–What’s your favorite type of cuisine?

Is cheese a cuisine? Because it should be.  Lol. Just kidding. I do love cheese, but my favorite cuisine is sushi. I am a vegetarian and I looove all the options.

19–What do you do when you have free time?

I am a big hiker and I also love Pilates and yoga—and I am always walking with friends. It’s one of my favorite ways to keep moving and connect with those I love (Writing is a very sedentary, isolated job). For quieter moments, I love to read or watch a show with my husband and my kids.

20–What can readers expect from you next

I’m finishing up a novella Princess Claimed that will first be include in the anthology Claimed Among the Stars, proceeds of which will benefit The National Women’s Coalition Against Violence and Exploitation. I absolutely love this story. It’s a high heat, opposites-attract romance that features a character from Forbidden Flame and it’s been one of my favorite stories to write thus far. After that, I’m going even a little darker and a little dirtier for a short story in the Ruled by the Alpha omegaverse anthology. Then, it’s on to Damien’s story, Filthy Royal. I know a lot of folks have been waiting for him and I’m excited to share his story. He’s definitely a hothead and he’s about to meet his perfect match.

BROKEN HEIR by Alison Aimes

Ruthless Warlords #3

Broken Heir


What is the one thing a sinner can’t allow?
But Keira Sartin is all that and more.
A walking, talking dream. She calls to every cell in Alexi’s messed-up, rule-breaking soul.

Except she’s forbidden.
A distraction he can’t afford.

Not when his family is depending on him and redemption is within reach.
Not when his mission hinges on making no waves and fulfilling his duty.
Not when she’s the sister of his bride-to-be.

What’s the one thing a troublemaker can’t afford?
More trouble.
But Alexi Skolov is all that and more.

He’s beauty incarnate.
Flesh-and-blood sin.
Wild nights and dark pleasure.

He’s also up to no good. Which means he’s not for her.
She has her own objective to fulfill and he’ll only get in the way.
He’s also promised to her sister.

It should be easy for them both: just stay away.
But running from temptation is hard. Avoiding trouble even harder—and sometimes it catches up to you, leaving you…

Broken Heir: A Dark Fated-Mates Romance, Book Three, is the third book in the Ruthless Warlords series. It is a scorching HOT standalone, though it is recommended to read the series in order for greatest enjoyment.
Like all the books in the series, it includes:
A ruthless alien mafia boss
An innocent heroine growing into her power
A fated bond
Plenty of spicy action
Betrayal, murder, and revenge
Serious plot twists
And an epic romance that proves love will always triumph over hate.

Broken Heir also has no cheating and a HEA is guaranteed. Get ready for a steamy ride you won’t be able to put down.


Romance Fantasy | Romance Science Fiction | Romance Erotica Sensual [Self Published, On Sale: March 24, 2022, Paperback / e-Book, ISBN: 9781735456669 / ]

Buy BROKEN | Kindle | | Powell’s Books | Books-A-Million | Indie BookShops | Ripped Bodice | Love’s Sweet Arrow | | Book Depository | | Amazon CA | Amazon UK | Amazon DE | Amazon FR

About Alison Aimes

Alison Aimes

Alison Aimes is the award-winning author of the sexy, sci-fi romance Condemned series as well as the sizzling, contemporary romance Billionaire’s Revenge series. A romance fanatic with a PhD in Modern History, she’s an all-over-the-map kind of woman with a love for dramatic stories and great books, no matter the era. Now, she’s creating her own stories full of intrigue and passion, but always with a happy-ever-after ending.

She lives in Maryland with her husband, two kids, and her dog. When not in front of the computer, she can be found hanging with family and friends, hiking, trying to turn herself into a pretzel through yoga, or, last but not least, sitting on the couch imagining her characters’ next great adventures.

The Condemned | Ruthless Warlords


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