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Ally Broadfield | Why All of My Heroines Love Jewelry
Author Guest / December 13, 2014

If I could get away with it, I would probably wear pajamas all the time, but my grandmother never left the house unless she was wearing the perfect outfit, had her hair and makeup in place, and had just the right jewelry to match. She loved jewelry. From the time I was a little girl, I remember her traveling to Hong Kong and other exotic-sounding locales and coming home with gorgeous necklaces, bracelets, and rings (most of which were costume jewelry, but I didn’t know that). I would put them all on, usually all at once, stick my tiny feet in her high heels, and totter around, imagining myself in a beautiful ball gown dancing with the prince. After my grandmother passed away, the task of sorting through her jewelry fell to me and my sister. We went through what we thought was the costume jewelry and divided up the items we each wanted, then set aside the rest to give away. My sister chose a fake but large diamond on a plain gold chain to give to a friend’s daughter for dress up. It just so happens that at the time, her then boyfriend, who is a police officer,…