Fresh FIction Box Not To Miss
Royaline Sing | Exclusive Excerpt: BETTING ON A DUKE’S HEART
Author Guest / April 21, 2021

She’d been searching for William and found the duke. And how she found him. A magnificent undressed chest hit her line of vision. No lady would keep looking, but she couldn’t close her eyes. Sweat beads from the tips of his black tresses, now wet and mussed, traversed his temples to his strong neck, chest, trickling to a muscled abdomen, and…dear Lord. She sucked in her breath. The warm buzzing in her ears heightened, as did the rush of blood in her head. This…this was…an onslaught on her senses. No amount of ancient texts she’d read or sensual paintings she’d studied or her time outside of England had prepared her for the sight of a real, vibrant, half-naked man. Liar. I have seen countless laborers and servants toiling undressed. She huffed. All right, this man then. She was breathless at the sight of Saxton. And whyever was he standing in their stables in such an indecent state? “You want something, miss?” William’s voice broke through her mindless state. Drat. She had frozen. They had stopped their work and had been looking at her for a while. Worse, she only stared at Aetius. And he knew it. She could tell by…