Fresh FIction Box Not To Miss
Katherine Ann Kingsley | Villains and Other Untraditional Heroes
Author Guest / June 1, 2023

Q: While browsing Amazon recently for more monster-themed romance, I happened on your new book THE UNSEELIE DUKE. The cover is fab and pulled me in right away, so I snagged it. However, the male protagonist, Izael, captivated me. I normally avoid fae-centric romance, but there’s just something about Izael. He’s as cray cray as some of the other fae characters I’ve read about in the past but a with a bit more charisma. What’s your inspiration? For this character and this series? Will it stop at being a trilogy? Izael definitely came out of left field! I had written my first series set in my dark fantasy fae realm, Maze of Shadows, and figured that’d be it for me. But that insane nope-rope just showed up in my head out of nowhere and demanded to be written. It definitely pulls from Labyrinth, and some of my other favorite old fantasy movies like Legend. I also just tend to love writing insane male leads—they always make me laugh.   Q: I love the artwork for your books. Can you tell me a little about that? Grace Zhu, my cover artist, is just fantastic! She came to me asking to illustrate…

Vivienne Hart | Amateur Cryptozoologist Gets Bride-napped by a Troll
Author Guest / April 20, 2023

1–What is the title of your latest release? Darkstorm, which is currently featured in Monsters in Love volume 3: Lost in the Forest. I also have a story included in Monsters in Love: Wicked Tales and Monstrous Ever Afters, which is a charity anthology that benefits Best Friends Animal Society, a no-kill shelter (100% of the proceeds go to the charity). My story in that is called Tempted: The Fallen, and it’s the introduction to Monstrocity, a new world I’m writing. Tempted is a reimagining of the Adam and Eve story, in which Adam is the bad guy and the tempting serpent is actually the hero.   2–What’s the “elevator pitch” for your new book? I’m terrible at condensing a plot into an elevator pitch! But basically Darkstorm is about an amateur cryptozoologist who gets bride-napped by a troll and has to figure out if their relationship has even the slightest chance of working, all while navigating troll raids and bad weather.   3–How did you decide where your book was going to take place? This was easy. Darkstorm is the third book in my Monsters of Haven’s Hollow series. All the books in the series are set in and…

Dakota Brown | 20 Questions: NIGHTMARE’S DANCE
Author Guest / June 9, 2022

1–What is the title of your latest release? NIGHTMARE’S DANCE. Book one of the Dreambound series. 2–What’s the “elevator pitch” for your new book? Playing pretend isn’t as innocent as it seems when your “imaginary” friends turn out to be all too real. Twenty years after her childhood imaginary friends disappear from her life, Ember finds out her childhood wedding game was binding, she’s a princess of the Nightmare realm, and her princes want her back. 3–How did you decide where your book was going to take place? I wanted an area I was somewhat familiar with, and I had this image of a cabin in the woods near the heroine’s childhood home. I debated between Ohio and Pennsylvania and finally went with Pennsylvania. One of my beta readers is from the area so could double check my accuracy. The other setting, Nightmare, I made up. 4–Would you hang out with your heroine in real life? Absolutely! We’d have all sorts of fun doing aerial circus stuff and hanging out in the woods. Though, she’s way better at aerial than I ever will be. 5–What are three words that describe your hero? Complacent (character flaws are necessary, after all.), Athletic,…