Fresh FIction Box Not To Miss

Vivienne Hart | Amateur Cryptozoologist Gets Bride-napped by a Troll

April 20, 2023

1–What is the title of your latest release?

Darkstorm, which is currently featured in Monsters in Love volume 3: Lost in the Forest. I also have a story included in Monsters in Love: Wicked Tales and Monstrous Ever Afters, which is a charity anthology that benefits Best Friends Animal Society, a no-kill shelter (100% of the proceeds go to the charity). My story in that is called Tempted: The Fallen, and it’s the introduction to Monstrocity, a new world I’m writing. Tempted is a reimagining of the Adam and Eve story, in which Adam is the bad guy and the tempting serpent is actually the hero.


2–What’s the “elevator pitch” for your new book?

I’m terrible at condensing a plot into an elevator pitch! But basically Darkstorm is about an amateur cryptozoologist who gets bride-napped by a troll and has to figure out if their relationship has even the slightest chance of working, all while navigating troll raids and bad weather.


3–How did you decide where your book was going to take place?

This was easy. Darkstorm is the third book in my Monsters of Haven’s Hollow series. All the books in the series are set in and around the town of Haven’s Hollow, where monsters and magic seem to thrive. Imagine a town from a cozy mystery, but with paranormal elements thrown in.


4–Would you hang out with your heroine in real life?

Absolutely. Oaklyn is forthright and strong, but full of compassion. She’s a good friend and someone who can be trusted and relied upon. Plus, she works in a bakery, so I’d like to think she’d hand out leftover pastries to her friends.


5–What are three words that describe your hero?

Strong, uncompromising, caring.


6–What’s something you learned while writing this book?

Hmm, that’s a tough question. The fun of writing paranormal and fantasy is that I can make things up as I go, so I don’t have to do a lot of research. The book I’m currently writing, though, is very different. It’s set in a fantasy version of Regency London, so even though it doesn’t have to be completely historically accurate, I do want it to be accurate in certain ways. So I’m learning what people in England in 1823 ate for breakfast, how they danced, how formal introductions worked, and so much more!


7–Do you edit as you draft or wait until you are totally done?

A little bit of both. I have a background in editing, so it’s almost impossible for me not to clean things up as I go. But I also do a few final passes on each manuscript before I submit it.


8–What’s your favorite foodie indulgence?

Ha, I’m not ideal person for this question, because I’m not a foodie! But I’d say it’s probably the vegan buffalo wings from Morningstar Farms. I could eat them every day and never get tired of them. I also like to have peanut butter M&Ms on hand when I’m writing.


9–Describe your writing space/office!

I very rarely work at a desk. Instead, I’m a nester. I need my blanket, my water, my computer, and my snacks, and I’ll be happy anywhere: a couch, a chair, a bed. I’ll work at my desk if I need a larger monitor, but I get uncomfortable pretty quickly when I’m forced to sit there. I like to sprawl and be cozy when I’m working, and I generally have at least one cat napping nearby.


10–Who is an author you admire?

J.D. Robb (aka Nora Roberts). I never, ever get tired of her books. I love the futuristic version of New York that she created, and her characters are very rich and layered. Eve Dallas  is tough and sensitive, and Roarke is sexy and cunning and madly in love. I also love Neil Gaiman’s short stories. They are so inventive and interesting, and I always find myself wishing I’d come up with his ideas.


11–Is there a book that changed your life?

The first thing that comes to mind is a children’s book called Libby on Wednesday, by Zilpha Keatley Snyder about a girl who is entering the public school system for the first time after being home-schooled and having a hard time adapting because she’s gifted. She’s also a very talented writer. A lot of that resonated with me as a kid, because I also had to make the shift from home-schooling to public school and I also loved writing. That book made me believe I could be a writer, and that I could also get through the challenges of school, peers, bullies, etc.


12–Tell us about when you got “the call.” (when you found out your book was going to be


This didn’t really happen for me. For a long time, I thought I wanted to go into traditional publishing, but then I realized I didn’t love the gatekeeping aspects of it (landing an agent, finding an editor, getting it past a review, etc.). I love the fun of deciding everything about my books, from the content to the cover, so I made the choice to go into indie publishing. I never got “the call” — just the email from Amazon when my first book was finished uploading!


13–What’s your favorite genre to read?

I love a lot of fiction. Romance is obviously wonderful, but I also really enjoy certain subsets of fantasy and science fiction. My absolute favorite, though, is probably mystery. I love puzzles of all kinds, so it’s fun for me to try to solve the book before the protagonist does.


14–What’s your favorite movie?

Oh, gosh. How does anyone answer this question? I don’t think I have a favorite, though I really, really love The Princess Bride. But honestly, I could sit here for an hour and talk about movies I love.


15–What is your favorite season?

Autumn. I love the changing seasons, the holidays, the clothes, all of it. What’s cozier than a crisp day with a warm sweater and some pumpkin bread?


16–How do you like to celebrate your birthday?

Quietly. I’m not big on going out, so I like to stay home with my husband and my cats and maybe eat cake while watching our favorite shows.


17–What’s a recent tv show/movie/book/podcast you highly recommend?

Poker Face, with Natasha Lyonne. It’s like a modern twist on Columbo and really fun. I also recently read The Last Tale of the Flower Bride, which is Roshani Chokshi’s adult debut. It was lush and intriguing.


18–What’s your favorite type of cuisine?

Again, I’m not really a foodie, so I’m not a great person to ask this question. I primarily eat a plant-based diet, both for ethical reasons and to help with some autoimmune issues I have. I really love potatoes, chocolate, and black beans. Does that count?


19–What do you do when you have free time?

Read, walk, and binge television shows with my husband.


20–What can readers expect from you next?

My next release is Emilia and the Eldritch Earl, which comes out at the end of May and is part of the Monsters Ball world. Imagine the sumptuous romance of Bridgerton with the paranormal fun of monsters. I also have a book coming out in Monsters in Love volume 4: Lost in the Deeps, which releases in September. My contribution to that is the fourth book in my Monsters of Haven’s Hollow series. I haven’t released the blurb for that, but I can say that Haven Bishop finally meets her monster! I have a lot of other stuff in the works, though, including the full book for Tempted: The Fallen, so stay tuned!

About Vivienne Hart

Vivienne Hart

Greetings! I’m Vivienne, I have my MFA in Creative Writing, and I write all things magical and mysterious.

I’ve been writing fantastic tales since I could hold a pencil. Captivated by fairy tales from a young age, I gradually began to create my own worlds filled with fantastic creatures and monstrous beasts. Now a USA Today bestselling author, I’m still sending my characters on as many wild journeys and dark adventures as I can.

In addition to spinning a good story, my loves include chocolate, reading good books, and taking as many bubble baths as I can. When I’m not writing, you can find me roaming around the southern U.S. with my husband and two very fluffy cats. I’m the redhead in pajamas.


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