Fresh FIction Box Not To Miss
Eileen Dreyer – Daughters of Myth
Author Guest / March 31, 2022

Okay, so we all know about fairies, right? Tiny, twinkly things that can be found flitting from flower to flower like humanoid pollinators with gossamer wings and pointy ears. Tinkerbell. Merryweather. Peaseblossom. Puck. Yeah. That works for Hollywood and Shakespeare. Not for Ireland. Irish fairies are different. To illustrate that, let me paint a picture. Tucked into the center of my front garden is a paving stone decorated with a painted daisy and the admonition Don’t Piss Off The Fairies. In Ireland, that was never a joke. Irish fairies can be as whimsical and mischievous as any other fairy. There are certainly pixies in the garden, leprechauns in the shoe shop and merpeople in the sea. But there are also those who can also be terrible and fearsome. Think of the Elves in Lord of the Rings. Regal, powerful, sensual. Serious about certain things. The Irish fairies are protectors of the earth, and they don’t take to anybody abusing their turf. The Irish people have so respected that belief, that until recently they rerouted roads and moved buildings to prevent cutting down fairy bushes or destroying fairy forts. Gifts were left on doorsteps to appease fairies, and fences built and…