Fresh FIction Box Not To Miss
Kat Turner | Title Challenge: FALLEN ANGEL
Author Guest / March 14, 2023

Cynthia and Raven, two drifters searching for the secrets of their own pasts, never expected their fling to be more than a hookup. But as they’re drawn deeper into a web of magic and prophetic mystery, they can’t say no to the supernatural tie that binds them—and they don’t want to. In the fourth book of the Coven Daughters paranormal romance series, magic, danger, and romance collide in a passionate explosion.   F-Fierce Heroine A-All of the Steam L-Love L-Longing E-Embark N-Night Sky   A-Air Magic N-Netherworld G-Grimoire E-Enthrall L-Lore FALLEN ANGEL by Kat Turner Cynthia Fields, a powerful witch with a troubled past, is so close to cracking the code of the Coven Daughters prophecy. She just needs to unlock the secrets of Fire and Chaos and connect with her five coven sisters, and she’ll be set to save the world and maybe even herself. Cynthia’s search takes her on a cross-country hitchhiking trip where she meets a strange truck driver who claims to have the ability to jump into different bodies before the journey lands her in the arms of a sexy, mysterious drifter who goes by Corvus. Following what was supposed to be a one-time, steamy encounter, Corvus reveals…

Kat Turner | Author-Reader Match: EMBERS
Author Guest / January 5, 2023

Instead of trying to find your perfect match in a dating app, we bring you the “Author-Reader Match” where we introduce you to authors you may fall in love with. It’s our great pleasure to present Kat Turner!   Writes: I write steamy romance with heart and humor. My Coven Daughters paranormal romance series brings together magic, witchy shenanigans, and plenty of heat. EMBERS is a prequel novella to the series that features a fire witch/paranormal investigator and notorious rock star with a heart of gold. They team up to beat a terrible prophecy and fall hard along the way.   About: I’m originally from Iowa and currently live in Louisville, Kentucky. Though I am sadly not a bourbon drinker, I do enjoy Derby Pie. Summer is my favorite season, as I’m a total sun worshipper who is obsessed with the ocean. When I’m not writing, I spend my time working out, practicing yoga, and reading. Lately, I’ve been devouring musician autobiographies. I live with my husband, son, and a cat who thinks he’s a dog and/or person.   What I’m looking for in my ideal reader match A sense of humor that skews a little dry and dark. Likes…

Kat Turner | 20 Questions: SONG OF VIRGO
Author Guest / September 15, 2022

1–What is the title of your latest release? SONG OF VIRGO 2–What’s the “elevator pitch” for your new book? Taylor and Julian, wolf-shifters who wield magic, are busy fighting to rekindle the passion in their relationship when their infant daughter goes missing. A quest to save their baby girl thrusts them back into a world of dark magic that they thought they’d escaped, where frightening secrets about a catastrophic prophecy are revealed. 3–How did you decide where your book was going to take place? The area of Peru where the beginning and end of the book takes place is an integral part of the series world and was a natural fit. The evil theme park turned out to be a fun way to make the setting come alive and to blend fantasy and reality. 4–Would you hang out with your heroine in real life? Of course! Taylor is wicked smart, a total badass, and wittier than I could ever hope to be. 5–What are three words that describe your hero? Protective, Compassionate, Loyal. 6–What’s something you learned while writing this book? Keeping world-building details straight across multiple books requires a LOT of dedicated organization. 7–Do you edit as you draft…