Fresh FIction Box Not To Miss
Birth of a Snarky Spy
Author Spotlight / October 2, 2017

A Note from Nancy Northcott WEBSITE | FACEBOOK | FACEBOOK Today I’m celebrating the release of a new book. It’s a new series with new characters, and that’s always exciting for me. The idea for The Deathbrew Affair came to me in a way I’d never experienced with a book concept. Usually, I get a flash of a scene, of people doing something important. Then I have to figure out who they are, why this is important, and what they ultimately want. In contrast, Casey Billings, the heroine of The Deathbrew Affair and the series it launches, popped into my head and started talking to me. Kind of like Athena bursting from the head of Zeus, but, luckily for me, not breaking my skull open. We were on a plane over the Smoky Mountains, heading west to visit family in Colorado, when she started talking in my head. She told me her name, where she was from, and what she liked. Then she clammed up and vanished. I had an AlphaSmart (remember those?) with me, so I pulled it out and wrote down everything she’d said—a long paragraph—and the snarky way she’d said it. I had a chance to print…