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Marcie Shumway | Top Five Favorites About the 425 Madison World + Giveaway!
Author Guest / February 11, 2020

Being part of the second season of the 425 Madison Series has been an honor. It is the first time I’ve been involved in something like this and the experience has been wonderful! In HIS LAST RIDE we meet Cody and Payton, childhood friends, as they connect after years apart and explore if they can be more. Now to my favorites of 425 Madison. . . My Favorite local nightspot in the 425 Madison I have to agree with Allie York on Monterrey’s. It is the perfect spot for everyone from 425 Madison to unwind. Welcoming to all with food, alcohol, and music. It doesn’t get much better than that! My favorite 425 Madison neighbor is: Harley Wagner. Who doesn’t love a handsome cop that is loyal and protective?! You see it in ‘Love Under Construction’ with the fact that he opens his apartment to his friend Jamison Phoenix and again while he stands up to Olivia for how she treats his friend. Harley also shows his protective side with Payton and helps her when she least expects it. The 425 Madison favorite mode of transport: Walking, definitely. Everything, well almost everything anyway, is within a short distance of the…