Fresh FIction Box Not To Miss
Terri Brisbin | Author-Reader Match: THE LADY TAKES IT ALL
Author Guest / January 13, 2023

Instead of trying to find your perfect match in a dating app, we bring you the “Author-Reader Match” where we introduce you to authors you may fall in love with. It’s our great pleasure to present Terri Brisbin!   Writes: Sexy, emotionally compelling stories about brawny warriors, intelligent/elegant and sometimes dangerous lords and the strong brave women who love them (sometimes despite themselves!). Set in the wild and magical Scottish Highlands and islands or castles in England or the ballrooms of Regency London or Edinburgh, the stories are always filled with history and dancing and intrigue and adventure.  THE LADY TAKES IT ALL has all this and more – Regency Edinburgh, an adventurer hero, hidden secrets, a quest for vengeance and. . . unexpected love.   About: I love exploring old places – libraries, museums, London, the Isle of Skye and the Orkney islands, Regency Edinburgh – and love to read (and write) books about them. I’m a sucker for emotional romcoms, historical dramas, science fiction movies and Gerard Butler, Tom Hiddleston and Tom Hardy. My tastes in music are eclectic and I can listen to anything from classical music to Celtic/Irish songs, to rock and roll favorites and almost…

BLAZING EARTH – The Woo-Woo Continues! by Terri Brisbin
Author Guest / October 6, 2022

One of the best things about writing the WARRIORS OF THE STONE CIRCLE series has been the crazy, woo-woo things that have happened or I’ve discovered while writing it.  From creating elements or events for my FICTIONAL story that have been discovered later to connecting my husband’s DNA ancestry to locations in the story, it was one surprise after another as truth became wilder than fiction. My series is based on ancient Celtic mythology, but when I was researching the gods and goddesses and the symbols and important details, I realized that a god/goddess was missing. Seven is a sacred number to the Celts and yet there were only six main ancient gods. So, I wondered where the seventh one was. And that led me to a series of “what-if” questions that helped me develop the story that is told in four books – what if the six turned against the seven? What if they exiled her because she was evil and trying to destroy the world? What if there were gates that kept her out of this world? What if those gates were circles of standing stones? And what if the ancient gods/goddesses left behind human descendants who were…

Terri Brisbin | 20 Questions: RAGING SEAS
Author Guest / July 7, 2022

1–What is the title of your latest release? RAGING SEAS – Warriors of the Stone Circles. It’s the second in what will be a 4-book paranormal/fantasy historical romance series. 2–What’s the “elevator pitch” for your new book? When the ultimate evil threatens humanity, an ancient bloodline of warriors returns to defend them. Ran and Soren must put past betrayals behind them and accept their destiny – and their new powers. Will love be enough to save them all? 3–How did you decide where your book was going to take place? When I planned out this series – a first time for me since I usually plan book by book! The locations of the 4 books are all set near standing stone circles all over the British Isles. My guide to where to find the circles was a book about circles with a map that showed four areas of concentrated circles, so I chose one in each of those! I looked for lesser-known circles OR made up my own in Southern Scotland, Orkney, southwestern England and Ireland. 4–Would you hang out with your heroine in real life? Yes! Ran is a strong woman, molded by love and betrayal, who knows her…