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Shana Galen | 20 Questions: I WANT YOU TO WANT ME
Author Guest / March 8, 2022

1–What is the title of your latest release? I WANT YOU TO WANT ME 2–What’s the “elevator pitch” for your new book? A grumpy wounded hero makes a marriage of convenience with a sunny heroine in trouble. 3–How did you decide where your book was going to take place? The hero is wounded physically and a recluse at his country estate. The heroine lives at a nearby estate, so the characters really dictated the setting. 4–Would you hang out with your heroine in real life? The heroine is Amelia, and I would absolutely hang out with her in real life. She’s really fun and likes to have a good time. She’s also a very compassionate person who cares deeply. I think she’d make a great friend. 5–What are three words that describe your hero? Grumpy, vulnerable, guarded 6–What’s something you learned while writing this book? I learned a lot about Gloucestershire Old Spots, which is a type of pig. The heroine has a pet Gloucestershire Old Spots named Sweetie. 7–Do you edit as you draft or wait until you are totally done? I wait until I’m done, but sometimes I do go back and change or add to something I’ve…