Fresh FIction Box Not To Miss
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Guests / October 16, 2006

A new start of a week, another stab at a resolution. After all, it’s not a good idea to advocate other people performing chores I’m hesitant to do. So, for fifteen minutes, WITH A CUP OF COFFEE, I’m going to blog. And blog about books I’m reading or interested about. Had a spot of emergency surgery last week and managed to contract a really nasty chest and lung infection with it. What is it with going to the hospital and all those germs attacking poor defenseless sick people? I mean, really, how rude! Anyway, the thought of a nice hot bath, complete with bubbles and a nice book or two sounded very appealing. Only problem, I’ve got too many hardcover and trade size books — definitely NOT accident resistant — so I settled (what a nice way of putting it) — for a couple of older favorites. Suzanne Enoch’s first adventure into contemporary. A mistress of the big historical romance, FLIRTING WITH DANGER is her first published trial of the chick lit meets a bit of suspense tome. Set in Palm Beach, based on the lovely classic movie, To Catch a Thief, FLIRTING WITH DANGER does a switcheroo — the…